Complete the following steps to fully remove all components of the Illustra Body Worn Camera Kiosk software and remaining settings files.
- Access Windows program features using one of the methods listed:
- Press the Windows task bar icon and type ‘remove’, then select the ‘Add or remove programs‘ search result that appears.
- Press the Windows task bar icon and click the gear icon for Settings. Within the Windows Settings window, select Apps.<br><br>
- Within the Apps & Features window locate each of the following components. Select each one and choose ‘Uninstall‘.
- Body Worn Camera
- Illustra Mobile Live Relay
- Illustra Mobile Video Manager
- JCI Dock Controller<br><br>
- After uninstalling the above listed components, locate and delete the following folders, if they have not already been removed:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyco\BodyWornCamera
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyco\DockController
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyco\LiveRelay
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Illustra Mobile Video Manager
- C:\ProgramData\BWC
- C:\ProgramData\Tyco
- C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\JCI Dock Controller<br><br>
- Reboot the machine.