Cloudvue Gateway Registration Wizard

Description  New Cloudvue Gateways will automatically launch the Registration Wizard when accessed via Cloudvue Local.  This article has a description of the registration process using the web browser of a locally connected computer along with screenshots of each step. Product  Basic Steps Cloudvue Gateway Registration Wizard Screenshots

How to Change Client to 24 hour Clock in Linux 18.04

Product  Ubuntu 18.04 Steps to Change  There are several ways: From command line: Run the command: To revert: You must restart the exacqVision Server for the change to take affect in the exacqVision Client. Another way to Perform this same change can be done in the the system settings. This will open up a Time… Continue reading How to Change Client to 24 hour Clock in Linux 18.04

Adding a Kantech KT-1 with ioSmart Reader to Cloudvue

This video will walk you through connecting a Kantech KT-1 controller using an ioSmart Reader to Cloudvue. Be sure you have followed the steps in a separate video on configuring the KT-1 Controller for Cloudvue Mode before proceeding. <br>

ExacqVision Edge Legacy Versions

{2024} Q3 2024-09-19 ev-Server-axis-armhf^Version^^21 October 2024^7.2MB, Q3 2024-09-19 ev-Server-illustra-aarch64^Version^^21 October 2024^9.6MB, Q3 2024-09-19 ev-Server-ARTPEC8^Version^^21 October 2024^9.7MB, Q3 2024-09-19 ev-Server-axis-arm^Version^^21 October 2024^7.2MB, Q3 2024-09-19 ev-Server-ARTPEC4^Version^^21 October 2024^8.0MB, Q2 2024-08-15 ev-Server-ARTPEC8^Version^^15 August 2024^9.6MB, Q2 2024-08-15 ev-Server-axis-armhf^Version^^15 August 2024^7.2MB, Q2 2024-08-15 ev-Server-axis-arm^Version^^15 August 2024^7.2MB, Q2 2024-08-15 ev-Server-ARTPEC4^Version^^15 August 2024^7.9MB,… Continue reading ExacqVision Edge Legacy Versions

ExacqVision Server Windows v23.09.6.0

Q4 2023-11-20 ev-Server-Windows^Version^^20 November 2023^120MB, Q4 2023-11-21ev-Combo-Windows^Version^^21 November 2023^322MB,