Cloudvue Gateway – Video File Naming Format

Description  The Cloudvue Gateway video file storage structure is as follows: Product  Solution /smartvue/video/MAC/YYYY-MM-DD/EPOCHTIME.mp4 MAC (The MAC address of a connected camera)YYYY (Year such as 2023)MM (Month such as 03 for March)DD (Date such as 30 for the 30th)Note: The folders Year, Month Date are UTC/GMT not the local time zone of the Cloudvue Gateway.… Continue reading Cloudvue Gateway – Video File Naming Format

Time Settings and Time Zone Information

Background Information The Windows or Linux (Ubuntu) operating system time of your exacqVision Server host should be set to the local time and time zone where it is located. It is often desirable to synchronize the system to a central time server, rather than rely on the internal clock of the recording server. There are… Continue reading Time Settings and Time Zone Information