H265 Motion Detection Fails on Panasonic WV-S8531N

Description  The Panasonic WV-S8531N fails to detect motion when using H265 option. Product  ExacqVision Server Steps to Reproduce  Expected Results  Motion is detected and video records. Actual Results  Motion is not detected and video is not recorded. Solution Updating firmware to S8531_202ES allowed the camera use Motion with H265 format on Server 22.09. AES-146 <br>

Cloudvue SSH Tunneling

Description  Certain information gathering or troubleshooting tasks such as gathering logs, doing software or firmware updates require remote access to devices.  This is where tunneling comes into play and the following instructions explain the process. Products Tunneling Machine Setup To properly setup your tunneling machine the following must be completed once.  The basic steps are:… Continue reading Cloudvue SSH Tunneling