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Cloudvue Gateway – Video File Naming Format


The Cloudvue Gateway video file storage structure is as follows:


  • Cloudvue Gateway



MAC (The MAC address of a connected camera)
YYYY (Year such as 2023)
MM (Month such as 03 for March)
DD (Date such as 30 for the 30th)
Note: The folders Year, Month Date are UTC/GMT not the local time zone of the Cloudvue Gateway.

Within  each directory, video is stored in files. Each video device has its own directory and files.



At first glance it would appear the video for the camera with MAC address 0050F9627E62 was recorded on March 30th, 2023. However, there is only one Unix time, and it is created using the UTC/GMT time zone. A check of the epoch time 1680140457 shows the local recording time was Wednesday, March 29, 2023, at 9:40:57 PM.

Use a converter like to convert the epoch time to show the human readable GMT and local time.

GMT: Thursday, March 30, 2023, 1:40:57 AM
Your time zone: Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 9:40:57 PM GMT-04:00 DST

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Using PSchange to rename files on a remote archive server (Windows)



Instructions for how to use PSchange tool in order to manipulate files located on a remote archive server. This guide is for running the tool on a windows OS although it can still manipulate files stored on a linux archive server.




  1. Gather current camera ID by right clicking on the live video and clicking properties. Make a note of these as they will be used later.
  2. Launch Exacq as Administrator on the server where the camera is located.
  3. Change the plugin to the one you want to use.
    1. Note: Exacq will now try to convert the existing local video to the new device ID. This may take some time so be patient and don’t force close the exacq client. You can check it is still working in the background by opening task manager and checking the CPU percentage for the “edvrclient” program. If it is above 0% it is still working.
  4. Open powershell as administrator.
  5. Map your remote drive to a drive letter not in use.
    1. Commands are: net use P: \\NETWORK_PATH\
      1. This path should include everything up until but not including the date folders that are created during the archiving process. E.g. if the path is \\\StorageFolder30Days\2022\05\12\3\ then your command should look like this:
        net use P: \\\StorageFolder30Days\
  6. Use cd to change directory to where the pschange.exe program is located.
  7. Run pschange in a dry run with this command:
    1. .\pschange -v -d -o 0xXXXXXXXX -n 0xXXXXXXXX -p P:
      1. Pschange arguments:
        -v verbose
        -d dry run
        -o Old camera ID
        -n New camera ID
        -l (Lowecase L) Include all local Drives
        -p Include the path specified in the scan.
        Note: it may take pschange a couple of seconds before it gets started. Be patient.
  8. Pschange should list all files it finds and will list the new names it will give them, giving you a total files number once it finishes.
  9. If you are happy to proceed enter the pschange command without the dryrun argument. E.g.
    1. Dry run command
      .\pschange -v -d -o 0xXXXXXXXX -n 0xXXXXXXXX -p P:

      Actual command should now look like this
      .\pschange -v -o 0xXXXXXXXX -n 0xXXXXXXXX -p P:
  10. Once it completes it should tell you how many files it has “moved” you can go to the path and check the files to ensure it has worked.
  11. Once you are happy, remove the mapped network drive using this command

net use /delete P: