exacqVision Video File Naming Format

2040–00160380.ps min/sec manufacturer device id storage rule <br> exacqVision files are stored on each drive enabled for recording in a directory structure as follows: <br> Within each directory, video is stored in files with duration of five minutes. Each device (IP camera, compression board, encoder) has its own files. The file naming convention is as follows: MMSS-XXXXYYZZ.ps and MMSS-XXXXYYZZ.psi.… Continue reading exacqVision Video File Naming Format

Temporary File Location

The ExacqVision Client creates temporary files to locally store searched  audio, video, and exported files. Temporary files are created in a directory specified by an environment variable. The following environment  variables are searched in order to determine the path: TEMPDIR, TMP, TEMP,  USERPROFILE. On systems built after May 2018, these environmental variables usually point to… Continue reading Temporary File Location