Failover and Failback Issue in exacqVision Server and Enterprise Manager

Description  Level 3 Support has identified an issue with Failover functions in ExacqVision Server software manifesting as failback failure. The component responsible is ExacqVision Server software, but errors can be detected from the Enterprise Manager Failover Groups page as well, leading some customers to report this as an issue with the Enterprise Manager software. Product … Continue reading Failover and Failback Issue in exacqVision Server and Enterprise Manager

Corrupted Failover group causing EM to drop servers

Issue When running EM version 22.09 or lower if you see your servers constantly connecting and then disconnecting, please check the EM logs specifically the importer log you should find something similar to this log.. [02/Dec/2022 09:52:52] WARNING [MainProcess:6016,Thread-1:8532,] FailoverProcess died unexpectedly[02/Dec/2022 09:52:52] INFO [MainProcess:6016,Thread-1:8532,] Shutting down brain.[02/Dec/2022 09:52:52] INFO [MainProcess:6016,Thread-1:8532,] Cleaning up importer resources[02/Dec/2022… Continue reading Corrupted Failover group causing EM to drop servers

ESM spare server can’t be removed from failover group unless designation as spare is removed

Description ESM spare failover server can not be removed from failover group on server edit form, unless the “Spare” designation is removed first. <br> Version Introduced v3.0.2.72327 <br> Platform ALL <br> Steps to reproduce Create ESM failover group Add server to group as spare server. CAUTION: This will change server configuation. On the server detail… Continue reading ESM spare server can’t be removed from failover group unless designation as spare is removed

Enterprise System Manager Shell

To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Windows, run Command Prompt as an administrator and change directories to the installation directory by running the following command: cd C:\Program Files\exacqvision\enterprisemanager \enterprisesystemmanager\ Then type: enterprisesystemmanager.exe shell To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Linux, open a Terminal window and type: sudo /usr/local/exacq/esm/enterprisesystemmanager shell <br> The following commands can be used… Continue reading Enterprise System Manager Shell