How To Export/Import Client Settings File on a Client Computer

You may export your client settings for import on another client system. Importing client settings saves time in making manual changes to each client instance. Client settings include things such as systems listed on the ‘Add Systems’ page, joystick settings, theme settings.  Whether exporting or importing the client settings file, this is found in Configuration… Continue reading How To Export/Import Client Settings File on a Client Computer

Auto Export to Windows Network Share from Windows-based Exacq Server

On a Windows system, exacqVision Server runs as a service. This is desirable because the service starts recording video without user interaction when the system is started. However, this creates an issue with the management of credentials for access to network storage, as the exacqVision Server does not run from a normal user account that… Continue reading Auto Export to Windows Network Share from Windows-based Exacq Server

How to export and import server configuration settings

To export and import an exacqVision system configuration and apply it to another exacqVision system, complete the following steps in exacqVision Client: <br> <br> <br> On the system where you would like to import the configuration, complete the following steps in exacqVision Client: <br> <br>

Problems Exporting to CDs or DVDs

If you select files to export to a CD or DVD through the ExacqVision Client software, but you cannot actually burn the CD or DVD, it is possible that you are using low-quality optical disks. Try replacing the blank optical disk with a new one perhaps from a different manufacturer. Low-quality optical disks are prevalent;… Continue reading Problems Exporting to CDs or DVDs

How do I save a video clip to an executable file that I can send to the police?

The ExacqVision Desktop Client application can be used to export video and audio to an .EXE executable file which packages the ExacqVision ePlayer with it to become a self-playing file. The fact that the .EXE export has the ePlayer packaged with it makes it ideal for sharing with law enforcement who may not have access… Continue reading How do I save a video clip to an executable file that I can send to the police?

Why can’t I play back video from my 5 Megapixel cameras after export?

Some media players, such as Windows Media Player, have problems when playing back full 5 Megapixel MJPEG video images in the AVI format. This is a limitation of the default codecs in the media players, and it applies to both exports from the server and already exported EXE files. <br> One solution is to download… Continue reading Why can’t I play back video from my 5 Megapixel cameras after export?

Does the exacqVision Server support automatic burning of video files to CD/DVD or USB?

Yes, exacqVision’s Auto Export profiles allow you to automatically burn a specified video event to a writable CD, DVD, or USB thumb drive. This function can easily be associated with a soft trigger button in the exacqVision Desktop Client using Event Linking. CD/DVD writing is a one-time operation for each export. If using a USB… Continue reading Does the exacqVision Server support automatic burning of video files to CD/DVD or USB?

Viewing and Exporting ExacqVision System Log Files

IMPORTANT: If you are already working with Support, or intend to open a Support case you will probably want to export and/or submit your Diagnostics, which include the System Logs and much more information about your system. The steps for this can be found in a separate article. See How to Submit Support Diagnostics<br><br> To… Continue reading Viewing and Exporting ExacqVision System Log Files

Validating ExacqVision Video (also known as Watermarking or Authentication)

The validation standard used in ExacqVision is known as HMAC, for Hashed Message Authentication Code, and uses a cryptographic hash and secret cryptographic key. HMAC is used by ExacqVision to verify the integrity of exported video. The ExacqVision Client software calculates and writes out the message authentication code (MAC) during file export. The ExacqVision ePlayer… Continue reading Validating ExacqVision Video (also known as Watermarking or Authentication)