Individual At Most Expiration Configuration Rules Fail to Delete Video  

Description  Individual Expiration Configuration Rules will not delete existing video files which can result in Oldest Content to exceed configured At Most Rules.    Product  Steps to Reproduce  Expected Results  Actual Results  Solution The above has been found to be true if the following conditions are met   When a camera is first added there… Continue reading Individual At Most Expiration Configuration Rules Fail to Delete Video  

Failure to search audio from a device with expiration rule, when “preserve audio” is checked

Symptom: Search and Export do not appear to contain audio. <br> Problem: When searching audio and video together from the same device when the video has an expiration rule applied and the ‘Preserve Audio’ checkbox is enabled, you cannot get the audio frames.  <br> Solution: If using a client on a machine other than the… Continue reading Failure to search audio from a device with expiration rule, when “preserve audio” is checked