Address Found but Not an exacqVision Server

Description  The exacqVision Client fails to connect to the exacqVision Server with the status message “Address found but not an ExacqVision Server. Reconnecting.” This is typically caused by either an incorrect system IP address or the exacqVision Server service is not running on the NVR. Products Steps to Reproduce  Expected Results  Actual Results  Solution If… Continue reading Address Found but Not an exacqVision Server

Removing exacqVision Server Dependency from RTSP Server Integration (Windows Only)

Issue This article applies only to the stand alone RTSP Server Integration not the built-in RTSP support available in exacqVision Server version 19.12 and higher.  The original stand-alone RTSP Server has the exacqVision Server listed as one of its dependencies.  This causes scripts to fail and has been observed to prevent the following:  Failover/Failback Silent Install Remote… Continue reading Removing exacqVision Server Dependency from RTSP Server Integration (Windows Only)