Affected platforms Mobile OEM Toolkit v1.3.1.8525 <br> Symptom If an OEM is attempting to create an iOS package using the Mobile OEM Toolkit v1.3.1.85257 and does not have their iOS provisioning profile set up for Push Notifications, the OEM will be unable to submit the application to iTunes Connect.This script error will cause the web… Continue reading Mobile OEM Toolkit produces invalid iOS packages when the OEM does not include support for Push Notifications
Tag: Exacq Mobile 3
Toggling a Web Service Connection Multiple Times Can Cause Failed Initialization
Description Enabling and then Disabling a Web Service multiple times within Exacq Mobile 3 during the connection process can prevent the servers from being retrieved. <br> Version Introduced <br> Platform Mobile-All <br> Steps to reproduce <br> Expected result The Server List is displayed <br> Actual result The Text ‘Unable to retrieve servers’ is displayed <br>… Continue reading Toggling a Web Service Connection Multiple Times Can Cause Failed Initialization
Pressing the Web Service Edit Dialog Apply button twice make the Apply button unable to be clicked
Description After attempting to add an already added web service if the Apply button is clicked twice it will be unable to be clicked again until all the text is removed from the input. <br> Version Introduced Exacq Mobile 3, version 8.0.0 <br> Platform Mobile-All <br> Steps to reproduce <br> Expected result The Apply Button… Continue reading Pressing the Web Service Edit Dialog Apply button twice make the Apply button unable to be clicked
Server-side digital PTZ is not restored on resume
Description When reopening the Exacq Mobile 3 app, the previously set cameras are reloaded into the live page. During this process, server-side digital PTZ (dewarp) is not restored, leaving the camera in the default state. Note: This is for server-side digital PTZ only (i.e. dewarp only). Pinch-to-zoom functionality is properly restored on resume. <br> Version… Continue reading Server-side digital PTZ is not restored on resume
Exacq Mobile 3 Unable to Connect on iOS
Issue Exacq Mobile 3, version 20.06, has additional restrictions for service connections on iOS. Apple recently deprecated UIWebView in favor of WKWebView requiring an update to the exacqVision Mobile to use WKWebView. One of these restrictions is the requirement of CORS support for all requests. The web service does not include these headers when performing a HTTP ->… Continue reading Exacq Mobile 3 Unable to Connect on iOS
Panels repopulate after clearing on server initialization failure
Description After opening the application if the panels are cleared before a server initialization fails the panels are repopulated. <br> Version introduced <br> Platforms Mobile – All <br> Steps to reproduce On Exacq Mobile 3 <br> On Browser <br> Expected result The panel(s) remain cleared <br> Actual result The panel(s) are repopulated <br> Workaround Clear… Continue reading Panels repopulate after clearing on server initialization failure
Exacq Mobile 3 User Manual
Exacq Mobile 3
iOS Mobile App unable to connect to web services using HTTP domain name
Issue With the 20.09 release of Exacq Mobile 3, iOS users are unable to connect to web services if using a domain and HTTP (e.g. This does not affect other routes for connecting to the web service: TLS (HTTPS) and IP-based connections will work as normal. <br> Workaround <br> Version Affected Exacq Mobile 3,… Continue reading iOS Mobile App unable to connect to web services using HTTP domain name
Exacq Mobile 3, version 9.2 May Force Re-Login
Symptom: Exacq Mobile 3, version 9.2, forces user to re-login to server. <br> Problem: If a mobile user is connected to an exacqVision Server that is on a non-default port (22609), when updating to 9.2 the information stored for that server will be reset. This includes the following: <br> Solution: This is a one-time issue.… Continue reading Exacq Mobile 3, version 9.2 May Force Re-Login