Replay button on event monitoring card does not always work with view targets

Description Pressing REPLAY on an event monitoring event card where the event action was show view does nothing if the user is logged in to the systems(s) for all cameras in the given view <br> Tested Version <br> Platform All <br> Steps to reproduce <br> Expected result A search is started with the cameras in… Continue reading Replay button on event monitoring card does not always work with view targets

Tap events are not consistently recognized

Description Tap events are not consistently recognized <br> Tested Version <br> Platform Android and iOS <br> Steps to reproduce <br> Expected result Tap is registered and the correct action is performed <br> Actual result It can take many taps before the application successfully execute the desired action. <br> Work Around Try using a slightly longer… Continue reading Tap events are not consistently recognized

Search “select cameras” page not shown when cameras are across multiple services

Description When selecting a search from a layout including cameras from multiple web services, the “Select Cameras” page is not shown, instead, immediately performing a search on the first service’s cameras. <br> Tested Version Exacq Vision 3, version 7.6.3 <br> Platform Exacq Mobile 3 [All device installations] <br> Steps to reproduce <br> Expected result The… Continue reading Search “select cameras” page not shown when cameras are across multiple services

iOS Application crashes when decoding H.264 video from Axis M5014 in 800×450 resolution

Description iOS Application crashes when decoding H.264 video from Axis M5014 in 800×450 resolution <br> Summary iOS Application crashes when decoding H.264 video from some axis sources in 800×450 resolution. This has been seen on a customers M5014 with firmware 5.25.2 as well as an M5014 with firmware at the Exacq Fishers office. <br>… Continue reading iOS Application crashes when decoding H.264 video from Axis M5014 in 800×450 resolution

Mobile Deprecation

Description For various reasons, Exacq Mobile 3 occasionally deprecates older system versions with a new release. When this occurs, that release (and all future releases) are not available to deprecated devices, either directly through the app store or via updates. Effectively, the device is “locked-in” to the last supported version. Deprecated devices will still have… Continue reading Mobile Deprecation

iOS sometimes shows a magnifying glass on long press

Description iOS sometimes shows a magnifying glass on long press. <br> Introduced Version <br> Fixed Version <br> Platform iOS <br> Steps to reproduce <br> Expected result An iOS magnifying glass is not shown. <br> Actual result An iOS magnifying glass is shown. <br> Work Around None <br>

Exacq Mobile 3 missing push notifications settings

In the Exacq Mobile 3 application a user can configure Push Notifications in the Push notifications sections of the settings page.The following are the scenarios where the Push Notifications settings will not be shown and the user will not be able to use the Push Notifications feature of the Exacq Mobile 3 application: <br>

Native Decoding in Exacq Mobile 3

About Native Decoding The 3.12 release of the Exacq Mobile 3 app added the ability to decode native video from a camera streaming in JPEG or H.264 format. <br> Support Native JPEG decoding is supported on all platforms and devices that the Exacq Mobile 3 app runs on, including the web browser. Native H.264 decoding… Continue reading Native Decoding in Exacq Mobile 3

Rotary Menu Dismisses when no Actions are Available

Description When no actions are available for a zone the rotary menu is dismissed. <br> Tested Version <br> Platform [All] <br> Steps to reproduce <br> Expected result The rotary menu opens. <br> Actual result The rotary menu closes. <br> Work Around Remove the associated zone from the camera. <br>

Push Notifications only received from one web service

Affected platforms <br> Symptom The Exacq Mobile 3 app can connect to multiple different web servers, but Exacq Mobile 3 will only be able to receive push notifications from the first web service even though Event Monitors from different web services are enabled in the push notification configuration. <br> Workaround Uninstall and reinstall the app… Continue reading Push Notifications only received from one web service