ESM 3.2 Creates Duplicate Events Every Hour

While running ESM 3.2 with exacqVision 6.8 servers connected, duplicate events could be created every hour. If this occurs, upgrade to the following version (or later): <br>

Upgrading Enterprise System Manager 2.4 or Older Version to ESM 3.0

To upgrade Enterprise System Manager (ESM) 2.4 or older versions to ESM 3.0, you should first upgrade to ESM 2.6, and then install ESM 3.0. <br> If you have already tried to upgraded ESM 2.4 directly to 3.0 and it has failed, complete the following steps: <br> Close the installer. <br> Verify that ESM services… Continue reading Upgrading Enterprise System Manager 2.4 or Older Version to ESM 3.0