Description If using esm api docs at /docs/api, any file upload/download action will not work. The documentation does not even provide the correct input to upload/download files. <br> Version Introduced v3.8.0.89234 <br> Platform All. <br> Steps to reproduce Navigate to http://esmhost/docs/api, once fully loaded,Click on systemClick on [GET] /api/system/logs/bundle/Click on [Try it out!] <br> Expected… Continue reading ESM API api/docs does not support file upload/download
Tag: ESM
Setting up a secure ESM instance to see video with a configured web service
Product Note: As of version 5.12, ESM no longer utilizes a Web Service to directly stream live video. The instructions below only apply to version 5.10 and lower. Description Setting up a secure ESM to see video with a configured exacqVision Web Service. <br> How to set up a certificate for Web Service If your… Continue reading Setting up a secure ESM instance to see video with a configured web service
ESM API may not provide strings for all attributes
Description When using the ESM API to retrieve servers or cameras, sometimes a field may come back as an integer when the attribute does not say ID. There is usually no way to know what the integer represents. It should show a string. <br>
ESM API cannot filter on NULL or dates
Even though you are able to attempt to filter on NULL or a date, it does not work on any endpoint that provides a date field attribute. <br>
ESM API documentation is not always accurate
Issue When viewing endpoints, the example response may not actually match the response when you use the ‘Try it Out’ button. Also, some attributes may specify it returns a string but instead it returns an integer. It is recommended to utilize the ‘Try it Out’ button for the API you wish to use as how… Continue reading ESM API documentation is not always accurate
Browser compatibility issues in ESM
Description In some versions of IE, the slide in module will not show up correctly. Also, in IE and Firefox, the calendar selection will not display. Using chrome will allow this functionality to display correctly. In the case of no slide in module for actions like scheduled updates, there is no choice but to use… Continue reading Browser compatibility issues in ESM
ESM: Moving the PostgreSQL database location
Steps: When you run the Enterprise System Manager (ESM) installer and select PostgreSQL as the database, it installs the PostgreSQL files at the ESM installation location, except for the data folder that actually contains the database. <br> By default, the database is installed in c:/Program Files (x86)/postgresql/9.2/data, and the ESM installation directory is C:/exacqVisionESM/PostgreSQL/9.2/, although… Continue reading ESM: Moving the PostgreSQL database location
Enterprise System Manager Archive Path Must Be Less Than 124 Characters
Symptom The string length of the absolute path for the directory mount point for the archive directory address must be less than 124 characters. If an archive path is 124 characters or longer, a database exception similar to the following is created: <br> MSSQL: evEnterpriseManager.server.models in save DatabaseError: (-2147352567, ‘Exception occurred.’, (0, u’Microsoft SQL Server Native Client… Continue reading Enterprise System Manager Archive Path Must Be Less Than 124 Characters
ESM Event Timestamp Incorrect After Time Zone Change
If you change the time zone on a system running Enterprise System Manager (ESM), the timestamp of ESM events might not match the time that the events actually occurred. <br> When ESM services are started, ESM reads the timezone configured in the operating system. If the system’s time zone is then changed, you must restart… Continue reading ESM Event Timestamp Incorrect After Time Zone Change
ESM 3.2 “Importer Processes Died” Warning
While running ESM 3.2 with exacqVision 6.8 servers connected, ESM importer log files could contain warnings stating that “Importer processes died.” If this occurs, upgrade to the following version (or later): <br>