ESM fails to process events due to server disconnect stop alert rule crashing the importer

Affected platforms exacqVision ESM 3.7.6 or later <br> Symptom If a rule is created to display an alert when the server disconnected state stops (that is, the server reconnects), the ESM importer will crash when that alert rule fires. To confirm, check the following logs: Open the log file logfile-importer and look for an entry… Continue reading ESM fails to process events due to server disconnect stop alert rule crashing the importer

Cannot Add Domain Users in ESM

Symptom: When attempting to add a new user in ESM, the error “Password is too common” is displayed. <br> Problem: This is caused by improper form validation. ESM cannot add domain users via the web interface <br> Solution: Option 1:  Update ESM to version 5.9.9 or higher. Option 2:  Add the user via the ESM… Continue reading Cannot Add Domain Users in ESM

How to Reduce the ESM Importer Count

Symptom: High CPU Usage seen on the ESM machine. CPU increases every 10-15 seconds to 99%.  <br> Problem: ESM utilizes an environmental variable named ‘_ESM_NUM_IMPORTERS’. Lowering this value will limit the number of sub importers that talk to the servers. An example application for this use would be when there are a low number of servers… Continue reading How to Reduce the ESM Importer Count

exacqCloud dashboard search for server name returns error page

There are occasions when a server name search on the dashboard on ESM returns an error page with “contact administrator” message. <br> If this happens get the esm logfile-websevice fileverify that this log file has the messages “ProtocolError: (‘Connection aborted.’, error(111, ‘Connection refused’))” If the message above is in the log file, restart the… Continue reading exacqCloud dashboard search for server name returns error page

ESM attempts to install postgresql even if it’s already installed

The installer for the following specific version has an option to install postgresql even if it detects a postgresql installation on the machine, however it does not work. It throws an error as it is not able to set the install path correctly. Tested Version 3.6.0 Platform Windows Steps to reproduce Install postgresql by handRun… Continue reading ESM attempts to install postgresql even if it’s already installed

License expiration may show a day off in ESM

Depending on the timezone offset of the ESM server and the date of the license, it may show the expiration off by a day. There is no way to work around this short of applying a license with the date adjusted. The server will still function properly, though ESM may stop monitoring the server a… Continue reading License expiration may show a day off in ESM

How to delete a large amount of camera events from ESM

Description Perform the following steps to remove a large amount of camera events from the ESM Postgre database: <br> Removing Events: Shutdown all ESM servicesStart command prompt as admininistrator (do not use powershell)Change directories to exacqVisionEsm\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin and run the following:pg_dump -U postgres –schema-only ESM > ESM.sql#psql -U postgres -d ESMDROP TABLE camera_cameraevent CASCADE;DROP TABLE report_eventid… Continue reading How to delete a large amount of camera events from ESM

ESM downgrade fails with newly added users

Description Downgrading ESM from 4.5.10 or newer down to 4.5.9 or earlier can cause the following error. Also the installer fails not able to communicate with database. ERROR [installer:74] Exception in run_backward_migrations: Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 40, in run_migration_command File “south_utils\”, line 127, in run_backward_migrations File “south_utils\”, line 45, in run_migration_command… Continue reading ESM downgrade fails with newly added users

Adding web service using server credentials does not enter password

Description When adding a server, the user can select to use the same credentials and address of the server when adding a web service with the server. The single server add form will not correctly capture the password. Thus, the web service will not be able to be reached. <br> Version introduced <br> Platform… Continue reading Adding web service using server credentials does not enter password

Resetting a Password in Enterprise System Manager

**This should NEVER be given out to a customer** To reset the password for a user in Enterprise Manager, complete the following steps for Windows or Linux. <br> Windows <br> Linux **If unable to login to the EM Web Portal on a Linux box after resetting the password, either user a different browser or upgrade… Continue reading Resetting a Password in Enterprise System Manager