Utilize Enterprise Manager to schedule updates to ExacqVision system software.
Tag: Enterprise Manager
When attempting to automatically import systems from a URL on startup the import fails.
- exacqVision Server
Steps to Reproduce
- From the exacqVision Client navigate to the Add Systems page (Configuration > Add Systems)
- Select the Import/Export Tab Enable Automatic Import
- Select either URL on Startup or Synchronize with exacqVision Enterprise Manager
Expected Results
The system list is imported on startup
Actual Results
The list is not imported and an error similar to the following which includes “Reason: Could not open local temporary file” displays.
The currently logged in user does not have permissions to write to %userprofile%/AppData/Local/Temp. The system administrator will need to modify the users permissions to allow Read, Write and Delete privileges.
Failover Compatibility Issue – Plugin Mismatch exacqVision Enterprise Manager
In the event plugins installed on any protected server do not match those of the spare a “Plugin Mismatch” message will be displayed under Failover Compatibility Issues for the Failover group
exacqVision Enterprise Manager
An EVAPI utility compares the protected and spare servers configs against each other. By default plugins are located in C:\Program Files\exacqVision\Server\Plugins (Windows) or /usr/local/exaq/server/plugins (Linux).
In the event plugins installed on any protected server do not match those of the spare a “Plugin Mismatch” message will be displayed under Failover Compatibility Issues for the Failover group (Dashboard > Failover Groups > YOURGROUP).
To resolve you must determine which plugins are missing by comparing the plugins found on the the spare against those of the protected server(s). NOTE: The plugins version is not compared and can be ignored.
Once the plugin differences have been identified the missing plugins must either be added or removed so all match. If they are unused they can simply be removed.
Note: Many times the Ganzpi and Tycoxxpi plugins have been found to be the offenders.
How to Compare Plugins
Option 1 – exacqVision Client
Plugins are listed in the Version Information section of the System Information Page (Configuraiton > YOURSERVER > System Information > Version Information). Carefully compare the plugins listed for the spare and each protected server. Make note of any plugins which are not found on both.
Pro Tip: Open two exacqVision Client instances and arrange the windows so you can see the Version information from both the Spare and Protected Server.
Option 2 – exacqVision Support Diagnostics
Compare the Plugin ID’s found in the Module ID section in YOURSERVER.settings of both the Spare and Protected Server(s)
Searches in EM fail after authenticating to AD. When they do a search to add a new user, it will not search or filter by the users name or says ‘no results found’
Solr Apache is reporting a corruption with the indexed files, so we cleared the indexed data and recreated it.
Linux Steps…
1. Reboot the EM Server
2. Open a command prompt and type the following followed by the <ENTER> key
sudo service enterprise-datarolloff stop
sudo service enterprise-importer stop
sudo service enterprise-webservice stop
sudo service enterprise-sendemail stop
You also need to stop the Solr-Apache services
cd /usr/local/exacq/esm/apache_solr/apache-solr/bin
sudo ./solr stop -p 8983 if it doesn’t work, then try sudo ./solr stop -all
sudo mv data data2
Restart Start the EM Services
sudo service enterprise-datarolloff start
sudo service enterprise-importer start
sudo service enterprise-webservice start
sudo service enterprise-sendemail start
You also need to start the Solr-Apache services
cd /usr/local/exacq/esm/apache_solr/apache-solr/bin
sudo ./solr start -force (this forcefully restarts solr)
Windows Steps…
- Open up Windows Services
- Stop all four EM services, SolrApache and SolrJetty
- Browse to C:\Program Files\exacqVision\EnterpriseManager\apache_solr\apache-solr\server\solr\collection1
- Rename the Data folder to Data2
- Restart all four EM services, SolrApache and SolrJetty
- Go back in to EM and navigate to Domain and click on Refresh Domain, which will resync the domain
- Go to Users and click on Add New User and try to do a search
- Verify you can search by name
If email notifications are not being received as expected check the Rule for any time-based restrictions such as “lasts for at least” or “lasted for at least”. Then verify the triggering event actually was activated for the specified amount of time.
For example, say we are using the following rule:
If “Camera disconnected” lasts for at least, 300 seconds IN any group ON any server FOR any camera send email immediately to johndoe@email.com.
We can observe the camera drop in live view, but a notification is not received. By looking at the exacqVision Server logs we find the following sequence of events
2021-06-26 16:55:51 (GMT-0700) SamsungPI Warning ELEVATOR LOBBY: stream timeout.
2021-06-26 16:55:51 (GMT-0700) SamsungPI Verbose ELEVATOR LOBBY Context 0 is NOT connected.
2021-06-26 16:56:57 (GMT-0700) SamsungPI Verbose ELEVATOR LOBBY Context 0 is connected.
In this case, a notification WOULD NOT have been sent because the camera reconnected within 300 seconds. This would be true if any of the time related restrictions were used with a 300 second setting.
If a notification is desired for future events of this type the duration of the event i.e., 300 seconds would need to be lowered, or the time element could be removed and one of the following used instead “starts”, “stops” or “starts or stops”.
NOTE: The following issue was resolved with the release of exacqVision Enterprise Manager v21.09.1
08/27/2021 v21.09.1 * Bug Fix - Fix failover when password strengthening is enabled on proteced server
When either trying to do a Manual Failover to test or a Protected Server goes offline and you may get a message in EM that states Data Restore Pending and it is stuck in this state…
This is more than likely due Password Strengthening being Enabled on the ExacqVision Server…
“Once this is Enabled, passwords are salted and strengthened to prevent brute force attacks. Augmented password authentication protects against man-in-the-middle and client masquerading attacks.”
However, this can create problems with the way EM transmits the configuration back and forth to each other. If you have plans to use EM for Failover/Failback protection…DO NOT ENABLE this feature.
Once it is Enabled, you cannot simply just disable it; since it modifies your Useraccounts.xml file.
WORKAROUND: Currently the only way to resolve this is to completely recreate a new Useraccounts.xml file or import an older system configuration from before you Enabled Password Strengthening.
In order to create a new Useraccounts.xml file I recommend going to Users in the ExacqVision Client Software and writing down your users and what type of groups they are in and the properties of those groups.. (Do they have customer user groups and privileges configured)
Download the latest ExacqVision Server Version and save it on the Spare and Protected Server
Stop the ExacqVision Server Service on the Spare and on the protected Servers you are working with; otherwise it will keep overwriting the useraccounts.xml file.
Browse to C:\Program Files\ExacqVision\Server and locate the file Useraccounts.xml and rename it to useraccounts.old
Install the downloaded file of the ExacqVision Server you have; it will prompt you to create a new password for the admin account (Try to use the same admin password as before)
After the ExacqVision Server is installed, In the client software: Login with the new Username and Password under Add Systems…Make sure it says connected
Repeat the same process for the Spare Server
Start the ExacqVision Server Service on the Spare and Protected server’s after you successfully have logged in to both and they show connected.
Back in EM, under the Failover Groups after a minute or two you should see the Satus of the Spare/Protected change (See Pics Below)
Once you are back at the above screen you can proceed with trying to either do a Manual Failover or simply stop the ExacqVision Server Service on the Protected Server to simulate a down server.
Once it fails over and you have verified it failed over, fail it back by either taking it out of Manual Failover or Starting the ExacqVision Server Service
To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Windows, run Command Prompt as an administrator and change directories to the installation directory by running the following command:
cd C:\Program Files\exacqvision\enterprisemanager \enterprisesystemmanager\
Then type:
enterprisesystemmanager.exe shell
To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Linux, open a Terminal window and type:
sudo /usr/local/exacq/esm/enterprisesystemmanager shell
The following commands can be used in the shell:
Exit the Shell.
Exit with ‘Ctrl+Z’
Test SMTP settings
from evemail.models import EmailServer
es = EmailServer.objects.all()[0]
con = es.get_connection()
You will see details about any connection errors, or an email connection object that is opened using the information in ESM.
Show the number of emails in the queue
from evemail.models import EventEmail, EventBatchEmail
Delete emails in the queue
from evemail.models import EventEmail, EventBatchEmail
Reset the Enterprise Manager Root Admin user password
*** This should never be given out to a customer ***
Stop all Enterprise Manager services, then enter shell. Once in shell, enter the following commands:
from organization.models import EnterpriseUser
u = EnterpriseUser.objects.get(username="admin")
import sys
Start all Enterprise Manager Services
NOTE: It may be necessary to replace the field username=”admin” above with the actual username configured at time of installation, if not using default value. In example: username=”enterpriseadmin”
Deleting a Failover Group
from failover.models import *
This will give you a list of failover groups.
Then you can delete the group at the proper index using
Replacing the number with the index of the group to delete, of course
import sys
Undeleting data removed using the web GUI
from server.models.core import Server
from django.utils import timezone
readd_date = timezone.now() - timezone.timedelta(days=2)
servers = Server.objects.filter(removalDate__gt=readd_date)
for server in servers:
Servers deleted through the GUI are flagged for deletion. As long as the datarolloff retention period has not passed, the servers deleted within the last 2 days can be undeleted with the above commands. You can adjust the days needed if the customer needs something from prior to that by adjusting the “days” number in line 3.
When a user has more than 100 servers, there’s is an issue with filtering and selecting any servers that are not initially displayed.
Version Affected
Version Fixed
**This should NEVER be given out to a customer**
To reset the password for a user in Enterprise Manager, complete the following steps for Windows or Linux.
- Stop all six Enterprise Manager services.
- Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
- cd C:\ProgramFiles\exacqvision\enterprisemanager\enterprisesystemmanager
Note: EnterpriseSystemManager can be in D:\ Make sure to validate where the EM folder is installed. - Run the command enterprisesystemmanager.exe shell
- In the shell, type the following:
from organization.models import EnterpriseUser
u = EnterpriseUser.objects.get(username=”admin”)
import sys
NOTE: It may be necessary to replace the field username=”admin” above with the actual username configured at time of installation, if not using default value. In example: username=”enterpriseadmin“ - Restart Enterprise Manager services and log into EM with the new password.
- Stop all six Enterprise Manager services.
- To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Linux, open a Terminal window and type:
sudo /usr/local/exacq/esm/enterprisesystemmanager shell
- In the shell, type the following:
from organization.models import EnterpriseUser
u = EnterpriseUser.objects.get(username="admin")
import sys
- Exit Terminal and start all six Enterprise Manager Services
NOTE: It may be necessary to replace the field username=”admin” above with the actual username configured at time of installation, if not using default value. In example: username=”enterpriseadmin“
**If unable to login to the EM Web Portal on a Linux box after resetting the password, either user a different browser or upgrade repositories
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade