Automatic Import Fails with Temporary File Error

Description  When attempting to automatically import systems from a URL on startup the import fails.  Product  Steps to Reproduce  Expected Results  The system list is imported on startup  Actual Results The list is not imported and an error similar to the following which includes “Reason: Could not open local temporary file” displays.  Solution The currently… Continue reading Automatic Import Fails with Temporary File Error

Failover Compatibility Issue – Plugin Mismatch  exacqVision Enterprise Manager 

Title Failover Compatibility Issue – Plugin Mismatch  exacqVision Enterprise Manager  Description  In the event plugins installed on any protected server do not match those of the spare a “Plugin Mismatch” message will be displayed under Failover Compatibility Issues for the Failover group Product  exacqVision Enterprise Manager Solution An EVAPI utility compares the protected and spare servers… Continue reading Failover Compatibility Issue – Plugin Mismatch  exacqVision Enterprise Manager 

exacqVision Enterprise Manager Domain User Search Fails Even After Authenticating With AD

Searches in EM fail after authenticating to AD. When they do a search to add a new user, it will not search or filter by the users name or says ‘no results found’ Solr Apache is reporting a corruption with the indexed files, so we cleared the indexed data and recreated it. Linux Steps…1. Reboot… Continue reading exacqVision Enterprise Manager Domain User Search Fails Even After Authenticating With AD

exacqVision Enterprise Manager Time Restricted Notifications are not received

If email notifications are not being received as expected check the Rule for any time-based restrictions such as “lasts for at least” or “lasted for at least”.  Then verify the triggering event actually was activated for the specified amount of time.    For example, say we are using the following rule:If “Camera disconnected” lasts for… Continue reading exacqVision Enterprise Manager Time Restricted Notifications are not received

Password Strengthening Causing EM to be Stuck in Data Restore Pending

NOTE: The following issue was resolved with the release of exacqVision Enterprise Manager v21.09.1 08/27/2021 v21.09.1 * Bug Fix – Fix failover when password strengthening is enabled on proteced server When either trying to do a Manual Failover to test or a Protected Server goes offline and you may get a message in EM that… Continue reading Password Strengthening Causing EM to be Stuck in Data Restore Pending

Enterprise System Manager Shell

To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Windows, run Command Prompt as an administrator and change directories to the installation directory by running the following command: cd C:\Program Files\exacqvision\enterprisemanager \enterprisesystemmanager\ Then type: enterprisesystemmanager.exe shell To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Linux, open a Terminal window and type: sudo /usr/local/exacq/esm/enterprisesystemmanager shell <br> The following commands can be used… Continue reading Enterprise System Manager Shell