Sunell camera not taking transport option/dropping connection

Title Sunell camera not taking transport option/dropping connection. Description  Exacq will connect to Sunell camera but the connection will drop and Exacq will try to reconnect. Product  Exacq Sever Steps to Reproduce Connect the camera to ExacqConnection will drop after a few seconds. Expected Results  Camera stays connected. Actual Results  Camera disconnects after a few… Continue reading Sunell camera not taking transport option/dropping connection

Arecont Panoramic Cameras Disconnecting from exacqVision

This article is applicable to Arecont Panoramic 8xx5 and 20xx5 series cameras. The issue appeared during testing of the following specific models: –8185 with 65043 firmware –8185DN with 65170 firmware –20185DN with 65170 firmware When you open an Arecont Panoramic camera’s web page, exacqVision could lose its connection to the camera because of different image… Continue reading Arecont Panoramic Cameras Disconnecting from exacqVision