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Deprecation of Legacy Installers – exacqVision 24.03 Update

As part of the exacqVision 24.03 software release, we are announcing the deprecation of specific installers that were previously part of the collection of software downloads available on the Exacq web site,

What installers are being retired?

On both Windows and Ubuntu – the 32-bit installers, also known as “x86” installers, of server, client, and web service will no longer be made available for new releases. The Enterprise Manager 32-bit installer had been deprecated from the 21.12 release. In addition, Illustra 610 and 825 (Edge), and ARM Debian (M-Series) installers will be retired as well.

Why is Exacq taking this step?

This change helps address cyber security/robustness concerns by removing support for those installations that are potentially deployed on operating systems no longer fully supported by the vendor. Additionally, retiring support for older/obsolete technology helps Exacq to streamline engineering resources to focus their efforts on faster delivery of customer outcomes that are needed now and in the future.

What if I have been using 32-bit installers for exacqVision all the time? How do I update to the 24.03 release?

If a customer is currently using 32-bit installers, they would have to move to the 64-bit installers – provided the hardware and the operating system are 64-bit enabled. 32-bit and 64-bit installers cannot co-exist. To move to the 64-bit installation, the 32-bit installation should be uninstalled.

So as to not lose the current configuration, it is recommended that the current configuration be backed up – then restored after the 64-bit installation has been deployed. Please refer to this user guide section for understanding how to do a backup and restore of the exacqVision Server configuration.

If Enterprise Manager is deployed, you may refer to this video to understand how to backup and restore configurations across multiple servers at once.

How do I know if the hardware and operating system on my NVR is 64-bit capable?

It will depend on how old the NVR is.

If the NVR was built by Exacq and is a Windows machine – Any system that shipped on or after May 2013 is capable of running a 64-bit installer.

If the NVR was built by Exacq and is a Ubuntu machine – Any system that shipped on or after August 2017 is capable of running a 64-bit installer.

Please refer to the following Support article to determine the age of your system based on the serial number:
How to Determine the Age of a System Using a Serial Number

If the NVR was not built by Exacq, please contact your IT department or the manufacturer of the NVR to assess if it is capable of running a 64-bit installer. As a reference point, Windows started 64-bit support from Windows Vista, with mainstream support adopted in Windows 7, and Ubuntu from Ubuntu 16.04. So it is more than likely that the NVR in question is 64-bit capable. With that said, please double-check with relevant departments and resources to be sure.

NOTE: Operating system vendors, whether or not they support 64-bit, have set time tables for end-of-life (EOL). It is not recommended to use a system for which critical cyber security patches are no longer available. For example, Microsoft no longer supports Windows 7 or 8. Ubuntu does not support systems older than 14.04 today – and they will continue to obsolete older versions as they release new ones.

I can see my NVR is not capable of running a 64-bit installer. What is the recommended course of action?

It is likely that you are running an old NVR that is probably not in compliance with the cyber security standards of your IT department. In addition, you will not benefit from new features, integrations, cyber security patches, and bug fixes that make up the 24.03 and future exacqVision releases. Our recommendation is that you upgrade to newer hardware and operating system for your NVR. Please reach out to your local exacqVision dealer or call Exacq Inside Sales for better understanding of your options.


Knowledge Support Video Library Configuration Support Illustra Youtube Video Library Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Illustra Body Worn Camera Setup (Legacy) – Support Training

IMPORTANT: This video was made for BWC Kiosk Software version 1.x and was deprecated upon release of version 2.x

This video is for internal support training and includes Troubleshooting information towards the end, beginning at the 15:00 mark.


Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Server Categories Products

Replacing a Drive in Ubuntu 20.04 or later, Using GParted (Legacy)

This procedure is applicable to replacing the primary hard drive of a Linux-based exacqVision system. It assumes that the operating device is installed to an on-board flash device. Do NOT use this procedure when simply adding a drive to a system.

  1. Run GParted from System, Administration, GParted. Select the empty hard drive from the drop-down list in the top-right corner. Note that the drive is unallocated, which indicates that you have selected the correct hard drive. Select Create Partition Table from the Device menu.

  2. Select gpt from the Select New Partition Table Type drop-down list. Click Apply.

  3. Right-click in the unallocated space and select New to open the Create New Partition window. Select 20000 (or more) in the New Size (MiB) box. Select linux-swap in the File System drop-down list. In the Label field, type swap. Click Add.

  4. Right-click the unallocated space and select New to open the Create New Partition window. Select 10000 (or more) in the New Size (MiB) box. Select ext4 in the File System drop-down list. In the Label field, type /mnt/export. Click Add.

  5. Right-click the unallocated space and select New to open the Create New Partition window. Select the highest available number in the Set New Size (MiB) box. Make sure Free Space Preceding and Free Space Following are both zero. Select ext4 in the File System drop-down list. In the Label field, type /mnt/edvr/1. Click Add.

  6. Click the green checkmark and then click Apply. Wait for the operations to complete.
  7. Open a Terminal window by selecting ApplicationsAccessories, and then Terminal. Enter the following command:

    sudo gedit /etc/fstab
  8. Add the following lines to the end of the fstab file:

    LABEL=swap none swap sw 0 0
    tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,size=10g 0 0
    tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs defaults
    LABEL=/mnt/export /mnt/export ext4 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 0
    LABEL=/mnt/edvr/1 /mnt/edvr/1 ext4 relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 0

  9. In the terminal window, enter the following commands.

    sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver stop
    sudo udevadm trigger

    sudo mount -a

    To create your export directories and change ownership:
    Note: in the following commands both “admin” and “user” should be changed to the relevant account names for the machine having issues.

    sudo mkdir /mnt/export/admin
    sudo mkdir /mnt/export/user
    sudo chown admin /mnt/export/admin
    sudo chown user /mnt/export/user
    sudo /etc/init.d/edvrserver start
  10. In a Terminal window, enter the following commands:
    Note: in the following commands both “admin” and “user” should be changed to the relevant account names for the machine having issues.

    sudo rm -r /home/admin/exacqVision\ Files
    sudo rm -r /home/user/exacqVision\ Files
    sudo ln -s /mnt/export/admin /home/admin/exacqVision\ Files
    sudo ln -s /mnt/export/user /home/user/exacqVision\ Files
  11. Run exacqVision Client and check the Storage configuration. You should see the new drive in the list of attached storage devices


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Knowledge Support Support Categories exacqVision Webservice Products

Web Client API does not persist login credentials to older web services (Legacy)

Affected Versions

Web API 7.6.0



When using the method EVWEB2.Server.login to log into a server on a web service of version 3.2-3.8, the EVWEB2.Server object returned in the callback has incorrect values. Notably, the name parameter will be replaced with an empty string and the detailInfo property will be set to an EVWEB2.ServerDetailInfo object will all default values, when it should be null (as that feature is not supported).



Upgrade the web service to version 3.10 or later (or downgrade to 3.0 or below).



Fix planned for Web API 7.8

Knowledge Support Support Categories exacqVision Webservice Products

Dewarping of Dahua cameras not working on web client or Exacq Mobile 3 (Legacy)

Affected Versions

  • exacqVision Web Service 7.6, running on Windows



In web service 7.6 (Windows only), dewarping of Dahua fisheye cameras does not work. These cameras do not show any dewarping options in the web client or Exacq Mobile 3 app.



  1. Install the exacqVision Client on the web service or refer to an existing client installation on another machine.
  2. Copy C:\Program Files (x86)\exacqVision\Client\fish_eye.dll where the client is installed to the C:\Program Files (x86)\exacqVision\WebService\bin directory where the web service is installed.
  3. Restart the web service.



Update exacqVision Web Service to version 8.2.2 or higher


Knowledge Support Support Categories exacqVision Webservice Products

Manually Enabling Remote Web Service Configuration


By default, exacqVision Web Service restricts configuration to the browser on the local machine. Through the configuration, a user can disable this restriction to enable remote configuration. However, there could be a need to manually remove this restriction (such as when installing the Web Service in a virtual environment, such as exacqVision Virtual).


To manually enable remote configuration, complete the following steps:


NOTE: These instructions assume that the file to edit does not contain any text. If it has previously been changed, merge the changes specified here into the existing file.

  1. With administrator credentials, open the file .evws-login for editing. By default, this file is found in Windows at C:\Program Files (x86)\exacqVision\WebService\bin\.evws-login, or in Linux at /etc/.evws-login.
  2. Add the following into the file:

    restricttolocalhost = 0
  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart the Web Service.


After restarting, the Web Service will have remote administration enabled.


You can also use the Web Service Configuration page to deselect the Enable Localhost Restriction option.