Cameras might not automatically connect to Una server after deleting camera and manually scanning.

Product exacqVision Server 7.6 on Una servers Description When multiple cameras belonging to more than one plugin (say, E-series and Illustra Essentials) are deleted at the same time by multi selecting them in the client, they will no longer “auto add” correctly afterwards. Workaround Add the camera manually from the discovery results OR restart the… Continue reading Cameras might not automatically connect to Una server after deleting camera and manually scanning.

Settings for motion detection sensitity on Samsung cameras may appear different when deleting and re-adding camera

Description exacqVision displays a value 1-100 for motion sensitivity. The camera itself only uses a 1-10 scale. When the user sets the sensitivity to 23, the actual value maps to 2, but the GUI still displays 23. If the camera is deleted and re-added, the sensitivity would display 20, rather than 23. <br>