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High CPU Usage After Installing ESM 5.4.0


Users find high CPU usage with PostgreSQL or user databases after upgrading ESM to 5.4.0.



Fixed in ESM version 5.5.5

Knowledge Support Support exacqVision Enterprise Categories Products

High CPU Usage Seen From ESM 5.8


High CPU utilization is seen on system running ESM 5.8.



Over 100+ banner messages from ESM causes high CPU usage. CPU spikes every 15 seconds. 



Update ESM to version 5.9.8 or later. 

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How to Reduce the ESM Importer Count


High CPU Usage seen on the ESM machine. CPU increases every 10-15 seconds to 99%. 



ESM utilizes an environmental variable named ‘_ESM_NUM_IMPORTERS’. Lowering this value will limit the number of sub importers that talk to the servers. 

An example application for this use would be when there are a low number of servers for ESM to talk to but the ESM machine has a high number of CPU cores.

If you have 10 servers but 4 cores on your ESM machine, it doesn’t necessarily make sense to run an importer service on each core. But if you have 100 servers and 4 cores, it may make more sense to allow an importer to run on each core. 



Run CMD as an administrator, and enter the following:   setx _ESM_NUM_IMPORTERS "X" , where X is the number of importers to run.

Restart the ESM Importer service.


You must edit the ESMImporter.conf file. On 16.04 and higher systems this is located in /etc/init.d/, on systems lower than 16.04 this is located in /etc/init/

At the top of the file add the following lines:


Replace ‘X’ above with the number of importers to run.

Save the file and restart the ESM Importer daemon.