Sunell camera not taking transport option/dropping connection

Title Sunell camera not taking transport option/dropping connection. Description  Exacq will connect to Sunell camera but the connection will drop and Exacq will try to reconnect. Product  Exacq Sever Steps to Reproduce Connect the camera to ExacqConnection will drop after a few seconds. Expected Results  Camera stays connected. Actual Results  Camera disconnects after a few… Continue reading Sunell camera not taking transport option/dropping connection

Vivotek Cameras Fail to Connect “Connection error (403)”

Description  Some Vivotek cameras require Basic Authentication.  This should be indicated in the Notes section of the cameras test record.  The camera will not connect if digest authentication is selected. Product  Vivotek IP CamerasexacqVision Server Steps to Reproduce  Add a Vivotek Camera Expected Results  Camera connects Actual Results  The camera does not connect and a… Continue reading Vivotek Cameras Fail to Connect “Connection error (403)”