The status of an input on USB module not updated if already connected when module plugged into server

Affected platforms exacqVision 5.6.0 to 7.0 <br> Symptom When a new usbdio board is detected while the server is running, and it already has an input plugged in, the status of the input will not be updated in the client. <br> Workaround Restart the exacqVision server. This will result in a brief interruption of video… Continue reading The status of an input on USB module not updated if already connected when module plugged into server

Duplicate cameras returned in the camera scan results

Affected platforms exacqVision Server 7.2.0 <br> Symptom If multiple NICs are installed on the exacqVision server and one or more NICs are disconnected from the network, the camera scan may list the same camera more than once in the results. <br> Workaround Connect the NIC in the disconnected state or disable the disconnected NIC. <br>… Continue reading Duplicate cameras returned in the camera scan results