When enabled the HD Live option intentionally buffers 10 seconds of video to ensure smooth playback. This is only applicable when viewing large tile or full screen views, small tile preview is not affected.
NOTE: As a result of the buffering, the On-Screen-Display of the date and time (OSD) will lag real time by 10 seconds.
Enabling/Disabling HD Live
Login to Cloudvue
Navigate to (Cloudvue > Settings > General Settings)
Enable/Disable the HD Live Video option by checking/unchecking the box
Cloudvue Intelligence provides access to whatever data analytics a particular camera may provide such as people and vehicle detection. Except for Motion, People and Vehicle Detection the camera must provide the desired analytic.
Cloudvue Intelligence
C2C Cameras
C2G Cameras
Except for Motion, People Detection and Vehicle Detection, which are native to Cloudvue Intelligence, customers wanting to take advantage of any of the other Intelligence features must ensure that the camera itself provides the desired analytic and the appropriate subscription has been applied.
NOTE: The Cloudvue Intelligence feature is only available through the cloud interface.
Analytic Types and Descriptions
Cloudvue provides the following analytics natively but does require a “TCSVMSM – VMS Only” or greater subscription
Data Type
Displays a graph of detected motion for people or vehicles and can be set to daily or weekly.
People Detection
Used to determine a human presence in the camera’s field of vision. This feature must be enabled in the Settings before use
Vehicle Detection
Used to determine a vehicle’s presence in the camera’s field of vision. This feature must be enabled in the Settings before use.
Cloudvue also supports the following analytics if provided by the camera and having a retention subscription
Data Type
People Counting
Displays a graph of the number of people entering, exiting, or both; and can be set to daily, weekly, or monthly.
Heat Maps
Displays colored maps showing areas with frequent motion. The display can be set in intervals of 5 minutes to 24 hours.
Object Left Behind
Displays the number of events for an object left behind.
Object Detection
Displays the number of events for detecting a known object.
Displays the number of events for linger. Linger is the duration of time a person stays within and around a defined area. It may also count a person walking around the area as lingering.
Displays the number of events for dwelling. Dwelling is the duration of time a person stays inside a defined area.
Displays the number of events for entering a defined area.
Displays the number of events for exiting a defined area.
Displays the number of events for a crowd formation. Crowd formations specify the number of people necessary to constitute a crowd within a specific detection area.
Displays the number of events for queue formation. Queue formations specify the number of people necessary to form a line.
Displays thermal imaging for infrared cameras for a given date and time
At times it may be necessary to access either the Gateways local Cloudvue interface and/or a connected cameras web interface. PuTTY Portable can establish an SSH connection with or without port forwarding from a local Windows machine which once established will allow access to these resources from a web browser on the local machine.
Browse to the location which the PuTTYPortable _x.x.paf.exe file was downloaded
Double-click the file to start the installation
Follow the on-screen prompts and select the location you’d like to install to
If the installer detects an existing PortableApps directory on one of your attached drives or within your USERPROFILE folder, it will automatically select that. Otherwise, the current directory will be selected by default. Within the directory you select, a PuTTYPortable directory will be created containing the portable app. Note that installing to the C:\Program Files or equivalent is not supported.
Standard SSH Connection
Navigate to the directory created during the install
Double Click the PuTTYPortable.exe file
The PuTTY Configuration window will appear
Enter the LAN/NET IP address in the Host Name (or IP address) field
Note: The IP address can be found in the Network Settings section via Cloudvue or Cloudvue Manager
Change the Port to 7627
Click Open
A terminal window will appear and prompt you to login
The username is smartvue
You will be prompted for the password
This is the SSH password found on the device page in Cloudvue Manager
Enter the password and press enter
TIP: Right click your mouse to paste into the terminal window
If successful a welcome will display, and you should now have an SSH connection to the Cloudvue Gateway
SSH with Port Forwarding
At times you may need to access Cloudvue Local or cameras connected to the Cloudvue Gateway “C2G” from a web browser. You can use PuTTY Portable to setup port forwarding in addition to the SSH connection.
Enter the IP Address of the Cloudvue Gateway
Enter the SSH port (7627)
Before Clicking Open Click the + next to SSH to expand the section
Select Tunnels
Use the Source Port and Destination fields to add port forwarding entries for C2G cameras
Source Port can be any unused port the on the local machine
Destination Port is a combination of the C2G Cameras IP address and port, typically port 80
NOTE: If unknown, camera IP addresses can be found in the Cloudvue Gateways Cameras section of Cloudvue Manager
Pro Tip: To verify a local port is available run the following from either PowerShell or a Command Prompt.
netstat -ano | findstr :80
Uninstalling PuTTY Portable
Once work has been completed it is best practice to uninstall the software from the customers machine
Unlike traditional apps, a portable app isn’t ‘installed’ with an entry in Add/Remove programs, so uninstallation is quick and easy
Delete the PuTTYPortable folder to completely remove the app and all its settings.
port 80 of the Cloudvue Gateway has been forward to port 80 of the localhost and is accessible using http://localhost/
port 80 of Cloudvue Gateway camera 1 has been forwarded to port 8000 of the localhost http://localhost:8000/
port 80 of Cloudvue Gateway camera 2 has been forwarded to port 8001 of the localhost http://localhost:8001/
Note: PuTTy will display the forwarded ports with an “L” before the Local port