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Resetting a Password in Enterprise System Manager

**This should NEVER be given out to a customer**

To reset the password for a user in Enterprise Manager, complete the following steps for Windows or Linux.



  1. Stop all six Enterprise Manager services.
  2. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
  3. cd C:\ProgramFiles\exacqvision\enterprisemanager\enterprisesystemmanager
    Note: EnterpriseSystemManager can be in D:\ Make sure to validate where the EM folder is installed.
  4. Run the command enterprisesystemmanager.exe shell
  5. In the shell, type the following:
    from organization.models import EnterpriseUser
    u = EnterpriseUser.objects.get(username=”admin”)
    import sys

    NOTE: It may be necessary to replace the field username=”admin” above with the actual username configured at time of installation, if not using default value. In example: username=”enterpriseadmin
  6. Restart Enterprise Manager services and log into EM with the new password.



  1. Stop all six Enterprise Manager services.
  2. To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Linux, open a Terminal window and type: sudo /usr/local/exacq/esm/enterprisesystemmanager shell
  3. In the shell, type the following:
    • from organization.models import EnterpriseUser
    • u = EnterpriseUser.objects.get(username="admin")
    • u.set_password("Support.1")
    • import sys
    • sys.exit()
    • Exit Terminal and start all six Enterprise Manager Services

      NOTE: It may be necessary to replace the field username=”admin” above with the actual username configured at time of installation, if not using default value. In example: username=”enterpriseadmin

**If unable to login to the EM Web Portal on a Linux box after resetting the password, either user a different browser or upgrade repositories

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

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Changing the OS admin password on exacqVision Linux machines

The process to change the admin password for the Operating System varies depending on which version you are using. The OS version can be found by entering the following command in a Terminal:

cat /etc/issue

Use the Contents menu to the left to go directly to the version of your operating system.


Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04

1. Log in to the Desktop as admin, then select “System -> Administration -> Users and Groups”

2. Select “Change”, adjacent to Password

3. Enter the current password, then enter your new password


Ubuntu 16.04

1. Log in to the Desktop as admin, then select “Applications -> System Tools -> Administration -> Users and Groups”

2. Select “Change”, adjacent to Password

3. Enter the current password, then enter your new password


Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04

1. Log in to the Desktop as admin, then select “Applications -> System Tools -> System Settings”

2. Scroll down and select “User Accounts”

3. Select “Unlock”, then enter the current password and select “Authenticate”

4. Click directly on the “Password” field.

5. Enter the Current password, then type your new password twice in “New password” and “Confirm password”

6. Select “Change”, then close the “User Accounts” dialog.


Ubuntu 10.04

1. Log in to the Desktop as admin, then select “System -> Administration -> Users and Groups”

2. Select “Change”

3. Enter the Current password, then type your new password twice in “New password” and “Confirmation”

4. Click “OK -> Close”


Debian 8

1. Launch a Terminal window.

2. Switch to the admin user with the following command:

su admin3. Type the current admin password and press ‘Enter’.

4. Use the following command to change the admin password:

sudo passwd admin
5. Type your new password and press ‘Enter’, then repeat to confirm.
NOTE: The terminal will not update characters as you type.

6. Close the Terminal
