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How to change the logical sectors of WD HDDs


Some of the drives on the raid system are not working on the same raid array with the other drives even if it’s Identical, except the logical sectors showing 512b for the majority and 4K for the new drive or vice versa, so to convert this drive, you will need to use a unique tool provided by Western Digital called WDCKIT.

We have two tools. One can be working with the JBOD drive and another tool that can be working behind the Riad system

!!!!!!! WARNING Proceed With CAUTION !!!!!!!!!!!
Multiple Drives IN a Virtual Drive (Actively Recording) = Works BUT deletes the Virtual Drive and data !!!Warning!!!
Multiple Drives IN a Virtual Drive with Data (evServer Stoped) = Works BUT deletes the Virtual Drive and data !!!Warning!!!
Multiple Drives IN a Virtual Drive with NO Data (evServer Stoped) = Works BUT deletes the Virtual Drive !!!Warning!!!
Multiple Drives IN a Virtual Drive NOT formatted = Works BUT deletes the Virtual Drive !!!Warning!!!


  1. Identify the hard drive(s) that are set with a 4K or 512b logical sector size using one of the following methods:
    a. $>storcli /c0/e252/s? show all | findstr Logical
    b. Login to the RAID graphical utility --> Controler ID 0 --> Drives --> Unconfigured Drives
    c. $> smartctl -i /dev/sd? | findstr Sector

  2. Once the drive(s) have been identified, copy the Serial Number and/or the Model Number.
    We suggest using the Serial Number if a small number of drives need to be changed. If there are many Drives to be changed, then We recommend using the Model Number.
  3. You can either install the Western Digital “wdckit” utility or use an interactive command prompt window that runs the “wdckit” utility.
  4. $> wdckit show == Shows all the drives in the system with Serial number and Model Number.

$> wdckit show -g == Shows the geometry of the drives. (ie 512 or 4096)
$> wdckit format –serial (serial Number) -b 512 –fastformat
$> wdckit format –model “(Model Number)” -b 512 –fastformat

Power cycle the drive or the system

5. Verify the Logical sector size has changed to 512b
a. $>storcli /c0/e252/s? show all | findstr Logical
b. Login to the RAID graphical utility --> Controler ID 0 --> Drives --> Unconfigured Drives.

c. $> smartctl -i /dev/sd? | findstr Sector

Download the WD tool for Windows and Linux.