American Dynamics victor Client (versions 4.9+) shows a date & time stamp that is offset by +10 hours for analog or IP cameras from Ubuntu Linux exacqVision servers configured for Hawaii time zone.
The root cause is that exacq Servers with Ubuntu Linux operating system report the “Hawaiian” time zone as “Aleutian“. A solution requires modifying the <IntellextimezoneXML.xml> file in the American Dynamics victor Client workstation using Microsoft Notepad to include a reference for this alternate label
Administrative privilege access to Windows and the American Dynamics victor Client software.
- On the affected American Dynamics victor Client workstation, close the client software by clicking on the “X” icon on the upper right.
- Open the Windows File Explorer (“Start” + “E”). Navigate to the folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyco\American Dynamics\ADSDK” for 32-bit clients or “C:\Program Files\Tyco\American Dynamics\ADSDK” for 64-bit clients. Scroll down on the right pane, right-click on the <IntellextimezoneXML.xml> file, and “Copy” it.
- Scroll back to the top of the navigation pane, right-click on the “Desktop” folder and paste the <IntellextimezoneXML.xml> file into it.
- Click on the “Start” or “Search” icon and type “Notepad” in the “Type here to search” box. Right-click on the “Run as administrator” option. Enter the corresponding administrator’s password or click on “More choices” to select an alternate administrator account and enter its password. Click on the “Yes” button.
- Click on “File” and “Open…” Navigate to the “C:\Users\CurrentUser\Desktop” folder, change the file type selection from “Text Documents (*.txt)” to “All Files”, select the <IntellextimezoneXML.xml> file, and “Open” it.
- Initiate the search function (“Ctrl” + “F”) and enter “3B” in the “Find What” box and click on the “Find Next” button. Click on the “Cancel” button.
- Scroll down to allow visibility of the entire <Zone Id=”0x8000003B” RegistryName=”Hawaiian Standard Time” > tag section.
<Zone Id=”0x8000003B” RegistryName=”Hawaiian Standard Time”>
Add <name>Aleutian</name> before the end tag </HDVRNames>.
- Click on “File > Save As…”
- Use the navigation pane to navigate to the folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyco\American Dynamics\ADSDK” for 32-bit clients or “C:\Program Files\Tyco\American Dynamics\ADSDK” for 64-bit clients and “Save” the file to it. Select “Yes” at the “IntellexTimeZoneXML.xml already exits. Do you want to replace it?” prompt. Click on the “X” icon to close Notepad.
- Launch the victor client software again
- Select live video stream on the surveillance pane and verify the date / time is correct. The overlay should show “(HAST)” as the time zone.