To disable automatic login on Linux, complete the following steps: Log in to the Admin account.Run Start -> System -> Administration -> Login Window.After you enter the admin password, the Login Window Preferences dialog appears. On the Security tab, deselect Enable Automatic Login. You can also change the User to admin if you want to… Continue reading Disabling Automatic Login in Linux
exacqVision Timestamp Format
All exacqVision video is timestamped in UTC, so there is no ambiguity as to the absolute time when the video was recorded. When exporting video, the time zone of the system on which the video was recorded is not stored. Starting with exacqVision version 3.4, two features were added to make this more transparent to… Continue reading exacqVision Timestamp Format
Can the Web Server run on an Exacq EL NVR system?
Yes, exacqVision EL supports a Web Server used to provide the mobile device video access. The Web Server is not installed on EL by default because if it runs simultaneously with exacqVision Client on the EL hardware, performance of both the local client and the Web Server could be noticeably slower (this is the tradeoff… Continue reading Can the Web Server run on an Exacq EL NVR system?
Manually Checking a Drive for Errors in Linux
Run fsck On Linux systems, if a disk encounters a filesystem error, the physical drive may still be good but require a file system consistency check. Perform the following steps to attempt to correct this. If the affected volume is a video storage volume: <br> Appendix If drive fails to unmount, you will need to… Continue reading Manually Checking a Drive for Errors in Linux
Highpoint RAID Troubleshooting (Legacy)
For troubleshooting information, see the attached PDF.The following exacqVision models were manufactured with Highpoint RAID controllers from 2007 to 2009: <br> To determine whether your system contains a Highpoint RAID controller, look at the RAID BIOS screen that appears when the system is first started (before the operating system starts). <br>
Adding or Replacing Hard Drives with exacqVision EL Servers Running Ubuntu 10.04 or earlier (Legacy)
Steps: <br>
Temporary File Location
The ExacqVision Client creates temporary files to locally store searched audio, video, and exported files. Temporary files are created in a directory specified by an environment variable. The following environment variables are searched in order to determine the path: TEMPDIR, TMP, TEMP, USERPROFILE. On systems built after May 2018, these environmental variables usually point to… Continue reading Temporary File Location
Validating ExacqVision Video (also known as Watermarking or Authentication)
The validation standard used in ExacqVision is known as HMAC, for Hashed Message Authentication Code, and uses a cryptographic hash and secret cryptographic key. HMAC is used by ExacqVision to verify the integrity of exported video. The ExacqVision Client software calculates and writes out the message authentication code (MAC) during file export. The ExacqVision ePlayer… Continue reading Validating ExacqVision Video (also known as Watermarking or Authentication)
Disabling Aero in Windows Vista (Aero causes OSD to have bars behind it in exacqVision software)
To disable Aero, complete the following steps in Windows Vista: <br> Click Start, and then select Control Panel.Click Appearance and Personalization.Under Personalization, click Change the Color Scheme.In the Appearance Settings dialog, click Windows Vista BasicClick OK. <br>
Get the Monitor Size (resolution) Back for Linux Sy stems
The monitor can get stuck in 640*480 mode if the system is booted with no monitor connected. To get the monitor size back for Linux systems, complete the following steps after opening Terminal: Type cd /etc/X11Type sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.bak.confRestart the system with a monitor attached. <br>