What is TTL? TTL stands for Transistor-to-Transistor Logic, where the “logic” determines which values are high and low. Standardized common TTL circuits operate with a 5-volt power supply. A TTL signal is defined as low when the voltage is measured between 0.0 V and 0.8 V with respect to the ground terminal, and high when… Continue reading Automation Control Circuitry
Category: exacqVision Hardware
What is the warranty on NVRs from Exacq?
What types of microphones are compatible with the ExacqVision Hybrid NVR?
When using the audio input terminals on the rear of an ExacqVision Hybrid NVR, you will need a microphone with a a pre-amplifier capable of producing a line level output that can be connected directly to the ExacqVision audio terminal inputs. If using a mic level output microphone, you will need a mic pre-amp to… Continue reading What types of microphones are compatible with the ExacqVision Hybrid NVR?
Does ExacqVision work with 64-bit Windows?
ExacqVision Server software has supported 64-bit Windows since Server version 6.4. sDVR and tDVR analog capture board installers for 64-bit Windows ExacqVision Hybrid systems are also available. For a list of currently supported operating systems, refer to the software product pages on Exacq.com, then click ‘System Requirements.’ <br>
Can I use a Joystick with exacqVision Client software instead of a mouse?
Yes. Exacq offers the exacqVision Surveillance Keyboard for this purpose. <br>
Replacing or Adding a Hard Drive Using Windows
If you have replaced a failed/failing hard drive, or added an additional hard drive to your Windows system in a JBOD (non-RAID) configuration, the steps below will guide you through setting up the drive for recording using Windows OS tools. NOTE: It is best practice to make hardware changes with the system powered off.<br><br> <br>
PTZ Surge Protector for Video and RS-485
If you are looking to add a surge protector between an analog PTZ camera and your ExacqVision server, some options that provide both BNC video connections as well as RS-485 terminals such as the following: Transtector 1101-613 Ditek DTK-DP4P
Enumerating more than Four Serial Ports in Linux
If a system is built with the Radisys motherboard or has two or more eDVR boards, there are more then four serial ports. However, Ubuntu 8.04 enumerates only four serial ports by default. To change the number of serial ports enumerated, complete the following steps: <br> Edit menu.lst by typing sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lstFind the line that… Continue reading Enumerating more than Four Serial Ports in Linux
Disabling Automatic Login in Linux
To disable automatic login on Linux, complete the following steps: Log in to the Admin account.Run Start -> System -> Administration -> Login Window.After you enter the admin password, the Login Window Preferences dialog appears. On the Security tab, deselect Enable Automatic Login. You can also change the User to admin if you want to… Continue reading Disabling Automatic Login in Linux
Manually Checking a Drive for Errors in Linux
Run fsck On Linux systems, if a disk encounters a filesystem error, the physical drive may still be good but require a file system consistency check. Perform the following steps to attempt to correct this. If the affected volume is a video storage volume: <br> Appendix If drive fails to unmount, you will need to… Continue reading Manually Checking a Drive for Errors in Linux