2021-06 June Quarterly Release Training

Forum Q&A https://forum.exacq.com/t/training-q-a-2021-06-june-quarterly-training/166 Client Enhancement – Added option to group camera items by device. #22651Enhancement – Infrastructure updates to search check tree logic. #22684Enhancement – Allow multiple audio streams to be exported with quick export. #22796Enhancement – Added support for connecting directly to SMB shares as a system. #22768Not yet in User ManualServer-side work still… Continue reading 2021-06 June Quarterly Release Training

Factory resetting the bios for G-Series Micro

IMPORTANT: This article reflects G-Series Micros built prior to mid-2024. To factory reset the bios for G-Series Micro, you need to follow these steps:- 1-Unplug power cable from the Unit 2-Remove the 4x Phillips Chassis screws 3-Remove bottom and top cover 4-Remove the RAM stick 5-Plug in power cable (should turn on automatically), and Wait… Continue reading Factory resetting the bios for G-Series Micro

Troubleshooting a DOA

We will never accept “It doesn’t work” as a valid reason to replace a machine. The purpose of this guide is to help determine why a unit “does not work.” Some technical knowledge is assumed with this guide. Possible causes: Power SupplyInternal Components and CablingPOST Section 1 Power Supply If the unit does not power… Continue reading Troubleshooting a DOA

How to force disk check (fsck) in Linux.

One way to determine if the drive is failing in Linux is to run the following command in the terminal dmesg | less  This should give you an error list you can scroll through for read/write errors.  If you see a problem on a data drive perform the following: If the problem shows on the… Continue reading How to force disk check (fsck) in Linux.

New Stretch “Octopus” Connector Label

Some users were installing the Stretch “Octopus” cables with the wrong end up, which interfered with the capture and display of video. This cable is shipped with 4U systems with more than 32 inputs, and systems that require more than four audio inputs. Beginning on October 16, 2012, the cables have been shipped with a… Continue reading New Stretch “Octopus” Connector Label

Factory default E-Series encoders not discoverable on Una LC-Series server

Affected platforms Una LC-Series with exacqVision 7.2 <br> Symptom Factory default E-Series encoders are discoverable through UPnP on the same subnet, but do not respond to WS-Discovery requests across subnets unless a DHCP server is present. On an Una POE port a DHCP server does not exist, so discovery only works on the same subnet,… Continue reading Factory default E-Series encoders not discoverable on Una LC-Series server

EFI /boot is full error

Affected Systems: Linux 14.04 <br> Problem: Customer receives dialog box on user and admin OS accounts that EFI (/boot)is full. <br> Workaround: Give user account rights to /run/user/Open TerminalAs admin: sudo chown user -R /run/userDisable housekeeping on admin accountgsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.housekeeping active falseDisable housekeeping on user accountsu usergsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.housekeeping active false