The installer for the following specific version has an option to install postgresql even if it detects a postgresql installation on the machine, however it does not work. It throws an error as it is not able to set the install path correctly. Tested Version 3.6.0 Platform Windows Steps to reproduce Install postgresql by handRun… Continue reading ESM attempts to install postgresql even if it’s already installed
Category: exacqVision Enterprise
Changing/Testing advanced ESM settings manually
For some more advanced settings/options on ESM, navigate to ESM installer directory/folder. Here on the commandline as an admin user, you can use the installer.exe (windows), or installer executable for different actions. <br> Check/Change database settings Commands to run: Linux: sudo ./installer decrypt (will generate EnterpriseManager.tmp – View or change settings here)sudo ./installer encrypt (do… Continue reading Changing/Testing advanced ESM settings manually
License expiration may show a day off in ESM
Depending on the timezone offset of the ESM server and the date of the license, it may show the expiration off by a day. There is no way to work around this short of applying a license with the date adjusted. The server will still function properly, though ESM may stop monitoring the server a… Continue reading License expiration may show a day off in ESM
How to delete a large amount of camera events from ESM
Description Perform the following steps to remove a large amount of camera events from the ESM Postgre database: <br> Removing Events: Shutdown all ESM servicesStart command prompt as admininistrator (do not use powershell)Change directories to exacqVisionEsm\PostgreSQL\9.2\bin and run the following:pg_dump -U postgres –schema-only ESM > ESM.sql#psql -U postgres -d ESMDROP TABLE camera_cameraevent CASCADE;DROP TABLE report_eventid… Continue reading How to delete a large amount of camera events from ESM
Configuring exacqVision S-Series Enterprise System with LSI RAID Controller with all JBOD Disks
exacqVision S-Series systems with LSI RAID controller running exacqVision Server 6.4.x display an empty Network tab on the Storage page if all disks are configured for JBOD. To fix this issue, complete the following steps: On the S-Series system, download the script (attached below).cd to the location where the script was downloaded and run sudo ./… Continue reading Configuring exacqVision S-Series Enterprise System with LSI RAID Controller with all JBOD Disks
ESM downgrade fails with newly added users
Description Downgrading ESM from 4.5.10 or newer down to 4.5.9 or earlier can cause the following error. Also the installer fails not able to communicate with database. ERROR [installer:74] Exception in run_backward_migrations: Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 40, in run_migration_command File “south_utils\”, line 127, in run_backward_migrations File “south_utils\”, line 45, in run_migration_command… Continue reading ESM downgrade fails with newly added users
Camera inspection is missing from the menu
Issue The exacqVision Enterprise Manager Camera inspection menu item is not visible <br> Version Fixed Fixed in exacqVision Enterprise Manager 19.12.4
Enterprise Manager Cannot select all servers for license transfer
Issue When a user has more than 100 servers, there’s is an issue with filtering and selecting any servers that are not initially displayed. <br> Version Affected <br> Version Fixed 20.03.110
Windows server 2012 can have 64 importers
Issue Windows Server can report 64/128 cores (via multiprocessing.cpu_count), and we create importers based on number of cores. This had the effect of bringing a 1-core Windows Server 2012 R2 VM to its knees as it created 60+ importers.The logic to determine number of importers does not work in our current 19.09 and 19.12 EM. <br>… Continue reading Windows server 2012 can have 64 importers
Windows installer may not reinstall new plugins after downgrade/upgrade
Issue If a Windows server is downgraded to a version before a new plugin was added, an upgrade back will not install those plugins by default; this means that an on-server upgrade is needed in order to select the checkboxes during install. Two notable plugins added in 19.09.0: ccurepi (used to connect to CCure 9000… Continue reading Windows installer may not reinstall new plugins after downgrade/upgrade