Setup Postgres with SSL

Description After Postgres is installed and an SSL certificate is acquired: 1. Open the postgresql.conf for editing as an administrator:Windows: C:\exacqVisionEsm\PostgreSQL\9.2\data\postgresql.confLinux: /usr/local/exacq/esm/PostgreSQL/9.2/data/postgresql.conf2. Locate the “# – Security and Authentication -” section:Replace it with:# – Security and Authentication – #authentication_timeout = 1min # 1s-600s ssl = on # (change requires restart) #ssl_ciphers = ‘DEFAULT:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH’ # allowed SSL ciphers # (change… Continue reading Setup Postgres with SSL

ESM spare server can’t be removed from failover group unless designation as spare is removed

Description ESM spare failover server can not be removed from failover group on server edit form, unless the “Spare” designation is removed first. <br> Version Introduced v3.0.2.72327 <br> Platform ALL <br> Steps to reproduce Create ESM failover group Add server to group as spare server. CAUTION: This will change server configuation. On the server detail… Continue reading ESM spare server can’t be removed from failover group unless designation as spare is removed

Duplicated Scheduled Action

Description Editing a scheduled server or web service action duplicates the action <br> Version Introduced <br> Platform All <br> Steps to reproduce Schedule a server or a web service action (this can be version update, license update, or config update)Go to server or web service action listClick edit next to one of the actions… Continue reading Duplicated Scheduled Action

ESM will show an error page on server license detail page if this page is refreshed after changing license

Description ESM Will show an error page if exacqVision server license detail page is refreshed after applying different license to the server. <br> Version Introduced <br> Platform ALL <br> Steps to reproduce Navigate to server license detail pageWhile on the page, successfully apply another license to the serverRefresh the license detail page <br> Expected… Continue reading ESM will show an error page on server license detail page if this page is refreshed after changing license

ESM page does not load and displays an error

Affected platforms All versions of of ESM <br> Symptom If a page takes a long time to load (> 30 seconds) and an error is displayed that says: “We’re sorry. Something went wrong. Please try again or contact the System Administrator.” this indicates that the page is timing out. This is usually due to a… Continue reading ESM page does not load and displays an error

Bulk delete server actions on ESM on MySQL database fails

Description Attempting to bulk delete server actions on ESM on MySQL database fails <br> Version Introduced not provided <br> Platform All <br> Steps to reproduce Attempt to bulk delete server actions on ESM on MySQL database <br> Expected result Server actions are successfully deleted <br> Actual result Error page is returned and server actions are… Continue reading Bulk delete server actions on ESM on MySQL database fails

esmAPI GET exacqVision License file and csvfile both returns Internal Server Error 500

Description esmAPI GET exacqVision License file and csvfile both return 500 internal server error <br> Version Introduced v4.2.0.97638 <br> Platform *All <br> Steps to reproduce Using ESM API get exacqVision licence fileusing ESM API get exacqVision license csvfile <br> Expected result license file is returned with HTTP status code 200license csv file is returned with… Continue reading esmAPI GET exacqVision License file and csvfile both returns Internal Server Error 500

esmAPI POST to upload/apply server license return 500 Internal server Error

Description ESM API ability to upload and apply server license is not working.An attempt to use the API to use the apply server license will return a 500 Internal Server Error. <br> Version Introduced v4.2.0.97638 <br> Platform All platforms <br> Steps to reproduce Use ESM API to apply exacqVision Server license <br> Expected result ESM… Continue reading esmAPI POST to upload/apply server license return 500 Internal server Error

ESM: Spare With Expired or Non-Enterprise License Not Monitored

A server without an Enterprise license enabled for health monitoring can be selected as a spare server. The protected server will fail over to this spare server, but Enterprise System Manager (ESM) will not monitor the spare server. This can also occur if the spare server’s Enterprise license has expired. <br> As a workaround, do… Continue reading ESM: Spare With Expired or Non-Enterprise License Not Monitored

Enterprise System Manager Shell

To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Windows, run Command Prompt as an administrator and change directories to the installation directory by running the following command: cd C:\Program Files\exacqvision\enterprisemanager \enterprisesystemmanager\ Then type: enterprisesystemmanager.exe shell To open Enterprise Manager Shell in Linux, open a Terminal window and type: sudo /usr/local/exacq/esm/enterprisesystemmanager shell <br> The following commands can be used… Continue reading Enterprise System Manager Shell