2021-06 June Quarterly Release Training

Forum Q&A https://forum.exacq.com/t/training-q-a-2021-06-june-quarterly-training/166 Client Enhancement – Added option to group camera items by device. #22651Enhancement – Infrastructure updates to search check tree logic. #22684Enhancement – Allow multiple audio streams to be exported with quick export. #22796Enhancement – Added support for connecting directly to SMB shares as a system. #22768Not yet in User ManualServer-side work still… Continue reading 2021-06 June Quarterly Release Training

PostgreSQL 9.6 End of Life

PostgreSQL 9.6 is currently bundle with exacqVision Enterprise Manager.  This version will reach end of life in November 2021.  The PostgreSQL Global Development Group will release the final update for 9.6 on November 11, 2021.  See their versioning page for details at https://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ AWS has announced PostgreSQL 9.6 on will reach end of life on… Continue reading PostgreSQL 9.6 End of Life

Server’s Oldest Content and Desired Oldest Content Fields are Overwritten Upon Edit

Description Oldest content date and desired oldest content fields are set to NULL when server’s details are edited. This change does not affect the server configuration itself, only the detail display in ESM <br> Tested Version ESM Version 3.7 <br> Platform ESM – All Versions <br> Steps to reproduce In the client, set a server’s… Continue reading Server’s Oldest Content and Desired Oldest Content Fields are Overwritten Upon Edit

ESM: Known database errors.

ESM displays an error in its log files indicating one of the following database related errors: ProgrammingError…DatabaseError…OperationalError…InterfaceError… This is expected behavior if the log message shows it was caught by !RunDatabaseQuery and also logs that the query recovered without exception.  This is an example of an error communicating with the database but has recovered. [16/Jun/2016… Continue reading ESM: Known database errors.

Cannot upload custom evFileInfo.txt for web service updates using ESM

Description ESM has a backdoor for support/developers to be able to remotely update using ESM to a development or trunk build. However, if you attempt to do this for a web service trunk/dev build, it will not work. <br> Workaround To get it to work, you must include the installers in a custom zip with… Continue reading Cannot upload custom evFileInfo.txt for web service updates using ESM

Double clicking save/apply button in ESM may duplicate the action

Description We have seen with adding a user, that if you double click the Add user button, it will add the user, then show the form with user already added error on the form. It should ignore the second click and just redirect to the user list view. <br> Tested Version exacqVision ESM 4.1.4 <br>… Continue reading Double clicking save/apply button in ESM may duplicate the action

When creating or editing a rule in ESM, the camera count in drop down may not be correct

Description when comparing the number of cameras to what is selected in the drop down, if you have deleted cameras, it may be showing that number in the count. Do not pay much attention to the count value, just be sure the cameras you want selected are selected in the drop down. <br> Tested Version… Continue reading When creating or editing a rule in ESM, the camera count in drop down may not be correct

ESM API landing page is not password protected

Description Using the <host>/api URL, it will take you to the ESM deprecated landing page. If you do not have a session in ESM, you can see these landing page and discover endpoints. You are not able to use the endpoints, but we want to password protect landing pages too.