Category: exacqVision Client
exacqVision G-Series Micro Network Video Recorder
exacqVision C-Series
Illustra Flex 16MP Multisensor camera stutters in Live mode
Issue Video from the Illustra Flex 16MP Multisensor camera “stutters” in Live mode. This “stuttering” presents as live video movement with periodic frame freezes followed by a quick catch-up to live video. Play back of recorded video from the same streams presents no problems or “stuttering”. This is due to a burst-like nature of streaming… Continue reading Illustra Flex 16MP Multisensor camera stutters in Live mode
ADMP48 and MP3200 PTZ Keyboard vs Terminal Mode
Issue ADMP48 and MP3200 PTZ not working. <br> Resolution As of exacqVision Client version 19.09 keyboard mode for ADMP48 and MP3200 PTZ is required in order to better support multiple concurrent users. Prior to this the matrix switcher could be in either keyboard or terminal mode. Beginning with exacqVision Client 19.09 or higher if the… Continue reading ADMP48 and MP3200 PTZ Keyboard vs Terminal Mode
Configuring DS6716HQHI Encoder Streams
The following steps are intended for manually setting the certificate and key path for exacqVision Web Service versions 8.4 and higher. <br> Symptom When connected to a Hikvision DS-6716HQHI encoder, user sees seemingly random drops of video streams for a second or two. <br> Problem When this device detects motion, the encoder switches from the… Continue reading Configuring DS6716HQHI Encoder Streams
Dewarper Workaround
Issue Both Axis and Pelco depend on OpenGL for dewarping. If dewarping is not working for a Windows client because of GPU driver issues you can use the following open source Mesa3D software OpenGL drivers as a work around. This will basically use a software implementation of OpenGL to do the dewarping which is really… Continue reading Dewarper Workaround
PTZ problems with Axis Control Queue enabled
Steps PTZ control behavior using the exacqVision Client can become erratic with Axis cameras if the “PTZ Control Queue” has been enabled in the camera’s web browser. This is required in order to be able to use the camera’s “Guard Tour” feature. <br> Axis has resolved this issue with a firmware change. This has been… Continue reading PTZ problems with Axis Control Queue enabled
How To Export/Import Client Settings File on a Client Computer
You may export your client settings for import on another client system. Importing client settings saves time in making manual changes to each client instance. Client settings include things such as systems listed on the ‘Add Systems’ page, joystick settings, theme settings. Whether exporting or importing the client settings file, this is found in Configuration… Continue reading How To Export/Import Client Settings File on a Client Computer
Arecont Video Shows Artifacts, Change Key Frame Interval
Symptom: Video from an Arecont camera may display ghostly artifacts. <br> Problem: Some Arecont cameras have the key frame interval, sometimes referred to as GOP, set to a high value. If there is a not a setting available for this in the camera’s web interface the only way to change this is through the use of… Continue reading Arecont Video Shows Artifacts, Change Key Frame Interval