Server may emit unnecessary duplicate config and cause the Client to flicker

Description Particularly evident with advanced h.264 branch. On any config update from client or evAPI, StreamPI unnecessarily emits the full, cached, master config document to all connected clients/evAPI instances. This unnecessary emit will either indicate or not indicate the applied update, depending on how long the update takes to be applied. In the case of… Continue reading Server may emit unnecessary duplicate config and cause the Client to flicker

Vivotek factory default codec is set to SVC

Some Vivotek camera factory defaulted codec is SVC (Scalable Video coding) which is an extension of H264 that we do not support. When the camera is in this mode, the plugin fails to stream video and stays in the “connecting” state. Also were not be able to change the codec setting from the client. The… Continue reading Vivotek factory default codec is set to SVC

Seeing “invalid date/time” or “invalid time server” Client Error Messages

Seeing “invalid date/time” or “invalid time server” Client Error Messages——————————————————————————————————–When either of these error messages are displayed by the client, you can follow the appropriate following troubleshooting steps, depending on whether the system is Windows-based or Linux-based. <br> Windows: – Due to how server generates XML, the only conceivable causes are:     – CTimeManager::GetTimezone() returning false,… Continue reading Seeing “invalid date/time” or “invalid time server” Client Error Messages

exacqVision Client Error – Unable to exclusively lock file

Symptom   Problem When viewing cameras, the user would occasionally see the following exacqVision Client Error message: It was observed that the C:\ProgramData\boost_interprocess\ folder is being renamed by software running in their corporate environment. The exacqVision Client uses the boosts IPC folder which is sometimes used by the other software. Example After a reboot it… Continue reading exacqVision Client Error – Unable to exclusively lock file

2021-03 March Quarterly Release Training

Feature – Axis Body Worn Cameras Client – Enhancement – Axis body worn camera support. #21843Client – Enhancement – Added support for search only cameras and audio for Axis body worn.Client – Enhancement – Added config options for axis body worn cameras.Server – axisbwpi – Add support for the Axis body worn camera system #21204… Continue reading 2021-03 March Quarterly Release Training