Importing settings from exacqVision Client to an exacqVision S-Series system can cause an incorrect network configuration. This can occur in the following situations: Exporting settings from exacqVision Client with network adapter bonding configuration (which is the default on S-Series systems).Importing settings on a system with no bonding, or a system with a bond name that… Continue reading Incorrect Network Configuration when Importing exacqVision S-Series Settings
Category: exacqVision Client
Differences Between Device and Audio Connection Alarms and IP Camera Connection Alarms
IP CONNECTION ALARMS Available in client under Event Linking and/or Event Monitoring under source type IP Camera Connection and video source’s name as configured under Camera Settings. It is always helpful to give your cameras unique, easily-recognizable names.Each stream is an independent alarm source, whether an encoder with multiple channels, or an IP camera with multiple active… Continue reading Differences Between Device and Audio Connection Alarms and IP Camera Connection Alarms
Directory Could Not be Created – Symbolic Linking Error 17
When exacqVision Client starts, it looks for a folder named “exacqVision Files” inside the directory of the currently active user. If it doesn’t find one, it creates the directory for exported video. On exacqVision systems, the masterscript creates a symbolic link here that directs data to the “/mnt/export/admin” directory so that exported video does not… Continue reading Directory Could Not be Created – Symbolic Linking Error 17
Getting All Analog Inputs to Show on Video Out
Affected Systems – Hybrid LC units running Ubuntu version 10.04 or 12.04. Symptom – Unable to display all 16 analog channels on a spot monitor via the Video Out in a 4×4 format.Resolution – We must change the default value in dahua.ini to force the desired video standard. Log into the system as the Admin – Log out of the user… Continue reading Getting All Analog Inputs to Show on Video Out
S-Series will not allow configuring volumes via the exacqVision client
If you are configuring your S-Series volumes from the exacqVision client, but they will not initialize, do the following: Check to see if the StorCLI binary is in your path. This is the program that allows exacqVision server to communicate with, and configure drives from the exacqVision client. $ ls /usr/local/bin/storcli If no results are… Continue reading S-Series will not allow configuring volumes via the exacqVision client
exacqVision Client slowdown on the System Information page w/ large numbers of connected users
Product exacqVision Client 7.6 and earlier <br> Description When a large number of users are connected to the server, the System Information page can slow down, causing the screen to hang and the cursor to “hourglass”. This can happen with heavy Exacq Mobile 3 usage since Video Push was introduced, as the web service makes… Continue reading exacqVision Client slowdown on the System Information page w/ large numbers of connected users
E-Series encoders show invalid resolution and framerate after changing settings
Affected Versions exacqVision Server/Client 7.3.4 or later <br> Description After changing the framerate or resolution, exacqVision will show an invalid resolution and framerate <br> Workaround None <br> Resolution Update exacqVision Server and Client to 7.8.0 or higher <br>
Client cannot connect to edvrserver on Windows XP after upgrading edvrserver
Description Client cannot connect to edvrserver on Windows XP after upgrading edvrserver. <br> Introduced Version exacqVision Server 7.7.26+ <br> Fixed Version Not yet fixed <br> Workaround Downgrade edvrserver to a previous version (7.6.x) Since the remote update is not possible, the user has to run an installer on the server manually.
Issue when changing the time zone on a client running local to the server
Description exacqVision Client 7.8 introduced an issue when changing the time zone on a client running local to the server. The time sent to the server would be off by an hour or two. The workaround is to change the time zone, apply changes, then change the time and apply changes. <br> Tested Version <br>… Continue reading Issue when changing the time zone on a client running local to the server
Configuring DST/non-DST via client fails
Description Older servers/clients would allow you to configure the server’s timezone, but even though the DST radio button could be updated, it was in actuality treated as read-only, and would snap back depending upon the chosen timezone. As of server 8.1.3, the entire list of timezones has been completely revamped, the radio button removed, and… Continue reading Configuring DST/non-DST via client fails