Category: exacqVision Client
2020-01-31 – L1-L2 Training – Logs Troubleshooting
2019-10-03 – exacqVision Cloud Drive
2018-06-26 – Video Walls and Video Push Explained
Common Tools and Resources
Internal Resources Configuration Calculator Platform: AllThis web-based utility was intended as a Sales tool, but can be utilized for troubleshooting to determine if machines are over-taxxed based upon their current load of cameras. After inputting the customer’s current camera load, you can see the expected data rates at the bottom. Also, the “Compatible Models” on the… Continue reading Common Tools and Resources
2021-06 June Quarterly Release Training
Forum Q&A Client Enhancement – Added option to group camera items by device. #22651Enhancement – Infrastructure updates to search check tree logic. #22684Enhancement – Allow multiple audio streams to be exported with quick export. #22796Enhancement – Added support for connecting directly to SMB shares as a system. #22768Not yet in User ManualServer-side work still… Continue reading 2021-06 June Quarterly Release Training
exacqVision Command Line Interface (eV-CLI) does not support reusing the video window.
The exacqVision Command Line Interface (eV-CLI), DOES NOT have the ability to reuse the same Client instance to display a different video NOR does it have a way of closing the existing instance prior to launching a new one.
CLIENT: Export dialog doesn’t appear when logged in to Windows as restricted user
Description: When logged in to Windows as a restricted user, the Export dialog does not appear when you try to export video. Version Introduced: 5.2 Version Fixed: Workaround: Install a previous version of exacqVision Client.
Stop Client from auto-starting in Linux
On systems with limited resources, or that just do not want the cient to start automatically, here are the steps. Stop client from auto-starting in both admin and user account: sudo mv /home/user/.config/autostart/evc.desktop /home/user/.config/autostart/evc.desktop.bak && sudo mv /home/admin/.config/autostart/evc.desktop /home/admin/.config/autostart/evc.desktop.bak Stop client from auto-starting in both admin and user account seperately: Admin: sudo mv /home/user/.config/autostart/evc.desktop /home/user/.config/autostart/evc.desktop.bak… Continue reading Stop Client from auto-starting in Linux
Bad Memory Causes exacqVision Client Crash and System Reboot
On certain exacqVision A Series and Z Series systems, faulty memory causes the system to restart and causes the Windows exacqVision Client to crash (if VGA Acceleration Mode enabled). The following procedure can determine whether the affected memory is installed on a system: <br> WINDOWS Log in to Windows as an administrator.Select the Start menu… Continue reading Bad Memory Causes exacqVision Client Crash and System Reboot