Creating Documentation Tickets in Jira

New Documentation Request workflow. This applies to User Manuals, QSG’s, Integration Guides, etc… In Jira, we can create a new ticket and set Project to Technical Communications (TCOM). Required Fields: After creation assign it to Jack Murphy if it doesn’t happen automatically.

Connecting a Louroe Base Station to an ExacqVision Hybrid NVR

A walk through, how-to video on connecting analog audio base stations from Louroe to ExacqVision Hybrid NVRs.<br><br> See also: Line Level vs Mic Level Audio for more details on the differences in these audio signals from various devices. <br>

Support procedure for reporting newly discovered cyber security vulnerabilities in Exacq Software 

This document will outline the procedures expected from Exacq Support staff in the event of discovering a previously unreported security vulnerability in an exacqVision product. Product  Any exacqVision product Procedure: Our Global Product Security team will then be responsible for following up with this customer and resolving vulnerability. <br>

Enterprise Manager supports LDAP authentication with Azure Active Directory 

Azure Active Directory supports the LDAP interface when properly configured, and therefor LDAP can be used to sync the ExacqVision Enterprise Manager software with the Azure AD instance. Background Information: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an application protocol for working with various directory services. Directory services, such as Active Directory, store user and account… Continue reading Enterprise Manager supports LDAP authentication with Azure Active Directory 

The ‘autoreconnect’ Utility

In 2017, a custom utility was written specifically for Inditex which was designed to discover cameras on the network that have changed their IP address. Then it would use evAPI calls to compare the MAC addresses listed in the current configuration to what currently shows in the ARP table, then update the IP plugin’s configuration… Continue reading The ‘autoreconnect’ Utility

Bosch Security Integration Causing Operating System to Crash

Description  As soon as you enable (check the Bosh integration profile . the system will reboot the exacq server service. Product  Server Version 20.03 up to 22.12 were experiencing this crash. Panel in use: Bosch B9512GT Steps to Reproduce  Configure the Add Security Integrations Page in the Client Select the Enable buttonThe server would lock… Continue reading Bosch Security Integration Causing Operating System to Crash

Enhanced vs Standard Security on Illustra cameras

After logging into your Illustra camera for the first time, accepting the End User License Agreement, and creating a Host ID, you will be asked to select a security mode. Enhanced is selected by default. As the message indicates, Enhanced will automatically select several advanced security options, such as enabling additional authentication needs, like forcing… Continue reading Enhanced vs Standard Security on Illustra cameras

2023-03 March Quarterly Release Training

ExacqVision Server Bug Fix – Fixed PTZ preset administration for custom users to create presets for analog cameras (AESW-4357) Bug Fix – Fixed monitoring RAID background tasks, like consistency checks and background initialization (AESW-4387) Bug Fix – Fixed reporting incorrect RAM, was displaying MB instead of GB (AESW-2498) Bug Fix – actipi – Reduce metadata… Continue reading 2023-03 March Quarterly Release Training

Geovision – Onvif Not Triggering Motion

Description exacqVision Server is not detecting motion from Geovision cameras using the onvif plugin.  IP camera database indicates motion is supported  for the GV-TBL8810 Product  exacqVision Server 22.09Onvif Plugin  (onvifnvcpi.json)Geovision CamerasGV-TBL8810 Steps to Reproduce  Add Geovision camera to exacq serverConfigure motion on exacq and or the cameraTrigger motion Expected Results  Motion is triggered Actual Results … Continue reading Geovision – Onvif Not Triggering Motion