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Vivotek VS8801 Encoder Enabling 2nd NIC for exacqVision


Vivotek VS8801 Encoder Enabling 2nd NIC for exacqVision


This encoder requires the use of two IP addresses to view all 8 channels of video.  The first NIC allows access to channels 1-4 and the second NIC allows access to channels 5-8.  The following are instructions for enabling the 2nd NIC on the Vivotek VS8801 encoder.


Vivotek VS8801 Encoder
exacqVision Server


  • Enable the 2nd NIC by accessing the the following URL 
  • http://<ipaddress>/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi?network_openip2=1
  • Where <ipaddress> is the actual IP address of the encoder.
  • The web page should echo the command setting to confirm that it has been successfully set
  • Open the encoders web page
  • Navigate to network configuration and ensure that the second NIC is now available
  • Configure the 2nd NIC
  • The encoder can now be added in exacqVision using the first IP address for channels 1-4 and the 2nd IP address for channels 5-8. 

Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Video Pausing or Showing Latency on ACTi Series D and Series E Cameras

Video from an ACTi Series D and Series E camera can pause unexpectedly or show latency if the camera’s video bit rate mode is set to Variable. To change the video bit rate mode, open the camera’s web page configurator, select Video, and select Constant from the Video Bit Rate Mode drop-down list.

High resolutions and frame rates can also cause video pausing and latency; to reduce the resolution and frame rate, open the Camera Settings page for the camera in exacqVision Client and select a new resolution and frame rate. High video quality can also cause video pausing and latency; to reduce the quality, open the IP Camera Recording page for the camera in exacqVision Client and change the Quality setting.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Axis M3007 Panoramic (Fisheye) Dewarping

With most panoramic cameras in exacqVision, you can dewarp a panoramic image by enabling Digital PTZ and digitally zooming into the fisheye image. However, Axis M3007 panoramic cameras are dewarped using multistreaming.

To enable the panoramic views, the camera must be in Ceiling orientation. To select this orientation, open the camera’s web configurator, select Setup, select System Options, select Advanced, select Plain Config, select ImageSource from the drop-down list, click Select Group, and select Ceiling from the Camera Tilt Orientation drop-down list. (If you do not see this option, select Image from the first drop-down list and enable the images before you click Select Group.)

In Ceiling orientation, an Axis M3007 camera contains four default views: Overview (fisheye), Panorama, Double Panorama, and Quad View. You can also manually configure up to four individual view areas. For access to the streams, enter the IP address of the camera in a browser to open the camera’s web configurator, select a stream from the Source drop-down menu on the Live View page, and click Go.

The following images depict each of the default views:

To configure individual view areas, open the camera’s web configurator again and select a view area from the Source drop-down list. Move the pan, tilt, and zoom sliders to configure the view area as desired.

The streams can each be added in exacqVision on the Camera Settings page.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

TRANSACQ: Saving data in pcap format

The most recent versions of Wireshark default to using an enhanced file format called pcap-ng when saving packet capture data. The Winpcap library used by Transacq is maintained separately from the Wireshark project, so it does not yet handle the pcap-ng format. Thus, Transacq data must be saved in the older pcap format.

To save new data in pcap format, you must manually select pcap when saving the file in Wireshark.

To convert existing pcap-ng data to pcap format, use the following command syntax in the editcap utility available with Wireshark:

editcap -F libpcap infile outfile


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

What is the sample rate of exacqVision Stretch audio inputs?

The sample rate of audio inputs on exacqVision systems with analog Stretch boards is 8KHz.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

exacqVision Edge: Axis Filename Cannot Have Space or Special Characters (“Valid Package” Error)

When installing exacqVision Edge server for Axis cameras, the installation can fail because of an invalid filename, even if the package file exists and the file itself is valid. Because Axis cameras use the Linux operating system, they do not recognize spaces and certain special characters. This can be a problem when Windows appends (1), (2), and so on to differentiate subsequent identical filenames during download. In this case, the error message “Could not upload, not a valid package” appears when trying to install the package from the camera’s Applications web page.

To avoid this issue, make sure the saved filename does not contain spaces or special characters. It is recommended that you ensure the downloaded filename matches the filename as it appears on the Exacq downloads page.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Enabling Multistreaming on Pelco Cameras

To enable mutlistreaming on compatible Pelco cameras, you must adjust settings in the camera’s web interface. Select the A/V Streams tab and ensure that both streams are configured for the H264 Compression Standard.

NOTE: If the secondary stream is greyed out and not available for changes, adjust the primary stream settings until the secondary stream settings are no longer greyed out.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

Enabling Multistreaming on ACTi Cameras

To enable multistreaming on ACTi IP cameras, you must activate Dual Stream Mode in the camera’s web interface.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

exacqVision POS-ATM Information Guide


*This document applies to exacqVision 4.3 and later.

*Serial data can be received using RS-232, HTTP, or TCP/IP. The data must be in an un-encrypted ASCII format. Formatting such as .xml can be used, but the data cannot be parsed.

*If there are questions the data format, see sections 4 and 5.

exacqVision Serial Data Capabilities

  1. Serial data is captured in a line-by-line format. This imposes the following limitations:

    *Filtering cannot be done on a character basis.

    *Filtering characters on a line will filter out the whole line.
  2. It is preferable for each transaction type to have defined a Start of Transaction (SOT) and End of Transaction (EOT).

    *If no SOT and EOT are defined, entering “VOID” in the search serial box on the search cameras page will return only the line in each transaction where the “VOID” occurs instead of the whole transaction.

    *Characters defined as Line Feed, Form Feed, Carriage Return, and Vertical Tabulation cannot be used as the final character in an SOT, EOT, or mask.

    *Each transaction must have a beginning and end even if no SOT or EOT is defined. This means that each transaction must have an end-of-line character such as those listed in 2b.
  3. Event Key Words are not used for filtering. Key Words are used to trigger events defined in Event Linking.
  4. Live Display and Record Masks will filter out data that matches the string. However, the rules in Step 1 still apply.
  5. Character substitution is not available.


Configuring exacqVision

For information on how to setup the exacqVision system, open exacqVision Client. On the Serial Profile and Serial Ports pages, click on the Help button (or press F1).


Capturing and Analyzing IP Serial Data

Use Wireshark to verify a TCP/IP data stream for integration by completing the following steps:

  1. Perform a Wireshark capture on the network for the data stream going to the POS/ATM device. For information on capturing traces, see the exacqVision Wireshark Quick Start Guide (sec. 2) at
  2. Filter the data in the Wireshark trace based on the IP of the device you are interested in. Here is sample data from a Wireshark capture:

  3. In this example, legible text is displayed. This means that the data is un-encrypted.
  4. Look at the data and try to find areas that will work as an SOT and EOT. In the example shown, 701.42 (preceding the date) could be used to trigger the start of the transaction, and THANK YOU could be used to trigger the end of the transaction.


Capturing and Analyzing RS-232 Serial Data

The easiest way to analyze RS-232 serial data is to do the following:

  1. Create a profile in exacqVision Client that does not contain an SOT or EOT.
  2. Create a Serial Port with the proper settings to match the sending device.
  3. Connect the RS-232 ports between the sending device and the exacqVision server.
  4. In exacqVision Client Live View, drag the name of the Serial Port into the live view area.
  5. Execute a transaction and watch exacqVision Client. If you see legible text on the screen, that means the data is un-encrypted and can be used for integration. The following image shows an example of un-encrypted data.


To capture RS-232 serial data to be analyzed later, complete the following steps:

  1. Use a program such as Putty ( to capture the data on the sending device.
  2. Use a program such as Netcat ( to play back the file captured in step 1.
  3. The steps to display the data in exacqVision Client are the same as steps 1-5 at the start of this section.


Knowledge Support Support Categories Products exacqVision Integrations

exacqVision Wireshark Quick Start Guide

To view the article “exacqVision Wireshark Quick Start Guide,” please see the attached PDF.
