EOL exacqVision Virtual Appliance (EVA) Migration Guide

Exacq will be dropping support for exacqVision Virtual as of 2019. Virtualized exacqVision server software is supported on the following platforms in virtualized environment. ExacqVision fully support only the below O.S. distributions. EVA to Windows Distribution There is no clear migration path from an EVA appliance to a Windows based O.S. The Linux file system… Continue reading EOL exacqVision Virtual Appliance (EVA) Migration Guide

Kantech Entrapass Web Download Instructions

Instructions: ExacqVision Kantech-Onboard systems may exhibit specific Internet Explorer security settings that will prevent the download of EntraPass Web from the link on the desktop after installing the Kantech software. This was discovered specifically with the Windows Server 2016, Entrapass version 7.51, in June 2019. Other versions may encounter this problem though they are not… Continue reading Kantech Entrapass Web Download Instructions

Unable to Connect to Panasonic Device with FW 1.03 or 1.10

Symptom: Connection to Panasonic device is stuck in “Connecting” despite displaying the model and MAC address. <br> Problem: The following Panasonic devices were found to return an invalid image size when using firmware 1.03 or 1.10.  WV-S1550LWV-S2131LWV-S2250LWV-S2550LWV-S8530NWV-X8570N <br> Solution: Panasonic is planning to release a firmware update to address this issue. <br> 

Edge Recording Broken on Illustra 610

Symptom: Edge recording non-functional. <br> Problem: On the Illustra 610 model, recording does not function when using exacqVision Edge version 9.5.25 through 9.6.2.  This does not affect the Illustra 825.  <br> Solution: Update Edge to version 9.6.6 or higher. <br>

How to Create a User in Kantech for Security Integration with exacqVision

Configuring an Operator to Receive Events from the EntraPass server 1. Login to the Workstation using installer credentials.2. Add a new Workspace (System > Workspace).    a. Select all applications, gateways, controllers, doors, relays, and inputs under their respective tabs.         The screenshots below show the workspace permissions for the ‘exacqws’ workspace.… Continue reading How to Create a User in Kantech for Security Integration with exacqVision