To setup an Axis camera for HTTPS support in 8.4.1 server. Log into the camera web page and go to the setup page.Select “System options” and HTTPS.The HTTPS settings page might look different between fw’s.To create self signed certificates, select the create option and fill in the required fields such as country/locality/state/organization/etc in the popup.To… Continue reading Axis HTTPS setup
Category: exacqVision Integrations
Axis V5915 audio-out fails in digest authentication mode.
Description Audio-out does not work with V5915 fw and set to digest or basic or digest authentication mode. This is a misbehave camera fw that server 8.4 does not support properly. Work around is either revert back to 8.2 or set the camera to basic authentication mode until the issue is fixed. <br> Version… Continue reading Axis V5915 audio-out fails in digest authentication mode.
iSCSI CONSIDERATIONS WITH LINUX RECORDERSAlso Note: == recovering corrupt iSCSI configuration in Linux (open-iscsi issue). This can also solve the occasionally-observed problem of deleting a portal, restarting service, and observing the portal was not actually deleted after all. Alternatively, you can also: sudo services edvrserver stopsudo apt-get purge open-iscsisudo apt-get install open-iscsisudo services edvrserver start… Continue reading iSCSI CONSIDERATIONS WITH LINUX RECORDERS
Illustra discovery for Pro and Essentials issues with dual nic as well as Una systems
Inconsistent results. Web interface not showing all details, firmware, model, etc. Doesn’t always find Pro cameras even though static IP addressed. Also found 610LT’s twice and added them twice.Workaround suggestedFor Dual nic systems:For dual nic systems with duplicated results, either disable one of the nic’s or make sure that they are not set to the… Continue reading Illustra discovery for Pro and Essentials issues with dual nic as well as Una systems
Axis M3007 Vs M3047/3048 differences on exacqVision
The M3047/48 are based on different hardware “Ambarella Chipset” when compared to the M3007 cameras.
Using Soft Triggers from CCure 9000 with Event Linking
From the C-Cure 9000 interface, find the Camera ID as pictured below. Setup a “Soft Trigger” under the “Action” tab. Change the “Action Type” to “Soft Trigger. Back in the exacqVision Client, create a new Event Link using the Event Type of “Soft Trigger” and the “Event Source” will match the Camera ID from above.
Kantech Shows Door Forced Open For All Doors
Symptom: When a user triggers a ‘forced open’ status for one door, exacqVision displays ‘forced open’ on all doors. <br> Cause: The Entrapass user configured in exacqVision does not have permission to read the door state. <br> Solution: Update exacqVision Server to 9.3.0 or later to resolve. It is recommended that the Entrapass user is… Continue reading Kantech Shows Door Forced Open For All Doors
First command to unlock/lock door or other action via Kantech integration fails
Affected platforms exacqVision Server 7.2.0 <br> Symptom When sending a command to an access control module (lock/unlock door, activate/deactivate relays etc.) the first attempt may fail silently. This is likely to happen if the operator credentials are same as the connection credentials. All subsequent commands will succeed or fail with an error message. <br> Workaround… Continue reading First command to unlock/lock door or other action via Kantech integration fails
EdgeStor Issues with Illustra3
Current Issues for using Illustra3 with EdgeStor Camera motion used to trigger Edge recording only records at the start of a motion event with pre/post duration. It does not record again until there is a new motion event.Example: If a motion event is detected and continues for an hour, but the pre/post settings are each… Continue reading EdgeStor Issues with Illustra3
M-Series Factory Default Fails
Symptom: Factory default of M-series fails. <br> Problem: M-series units produced in Q2 of 2017 have factory default backup stored at /mnt/ubifs/backup1 instead of /mnt/ubifs/backup . <br> Solution: Change the name of the /mnt/ubifs/backup1 directory to /mnt/ubifs/backup This bug is fixed in release ECN 170526-01