The audio chip on the ASUS CSB motherboard does not have audio drivers. However, you can use the Realtek HD 2.73 audio drivers for Windows 8. For information about how to install these drivers on Windows Server 2012, see the following link:
Category: exacqVision Integrations
How to Determine Whether a File is Bookmarked
NOTE: For better understanding of this article, you should be familiar with the basic filename format for exacqVision data (see file is known to contain bookmarked content if: The filename plugin ID (XXXX in the file name) matches the device manufacturer’s ID (list of available IDs: device number (YY in the file name) matches the camera’s… Continue reading How to Determine Whether a File is Bookmarked
Troubleshooting a Corrupt iSCSI Configuration
An iSCSI configuration could be corrupt if the following are true: Linux-based exacqVision ServeriSCSI used as extended storageExtended Storage portal status displayed in exacqVision Client as anything other than OKServer logs contain the following messages:8/21/2014 1:48:12 PM ArchivePI Warning Errors from /usr/local/exacq/server/scripts/ addportal -portaladdr -portalport 32608/21/2014 1:48:12 PM ArchivePI Warning Error: while running command… Continue reading Troubleshooting a Corrupt iSCSI Configuration
Upgrading the CIFS Module on Ubuntu 10.04 System Running Kernel 3.0
The CIFS module enables asynchronous I/O, and it increases archiving speed when combined with a version of archivepi that uses sendfile. (This is not necessary on Ubuntu 12.04 and later, which already supports asynchronous I/O.) To upgrade the CIFS module, complete the following steps: Disable all archive targets and unmount any cifs/smb share.Remove the CIFS… Continue reading Upgrading the CIFS Module on Ubuntu 10.04 System Running Kernel 3.0
Integrating exacqVision with a Kantech EntraPass installation that uses EntraPass Web may prevent use of EntraPass Web, or vice versa.
Affected platforms exacqVision 7.4 with EntraPass 6.05.02 or newer <br> Symptom By default EntraPass only allows a single connection to EntraPass Web. When exacqVision is integrated with EntraPass Web, it consumed a connection EntraPass Web. If EntraPass Web then attempts to connect, it will fail. Likewise, if EntraPass Web is connected first, exacqVision will fail… Continue reading Integrating exacqVision with a Kantech EntraPass installation that uses EntraPass Web may prevent use of EntraPass Web, or vice versa.
Login refused when adding a Kantech server in exacqVision
Purpose: To allow an exacqVision server to authenticate to a Kantech server successfully, we must first give that user permission to do so. This guide assumes that SmartLink has been installed and is being utilized.Procedure: Go to Kantech server and open the Entrapass softwareOpen the Operator tabSelect desired userSelect Web parameters tabCheck Allow login and Concurrent… Continue reading Login refused when adding a Kantech server in exacqVision
Axis with metadata support does not stream audio-in for jpeg mode
Description Audio-in failed to stream in jpeg mode for Axis cameras with fw >= 5.70 that support metadata streams for both h.264 and jpeg. Workaround Either downgrade the fw if available or stream in h.264 mode.
Linux Doesn’t Remove Dynamically Assigned IP Addresses When NIC Unplugged
Description Linux doesn’t drop network configuration when a dynamically-assigned NIC is unplugged as Windows does. However, if the package ifplugd is installed then it will.
UsbDio serial (analog PTZ) conflict with ModemManager
Description On Ubuntu 12.04 and newer systems with UsbDio with one or more serial ports, a system program called ModemManager will alter port settings, including baud rate, overwriting the values set by the server. This can interfere with serial ports used for analog PTZ and other purposes. Typical symptoms are that PTZ does not work… Continue reading UsbDio serial (analog PTZ) conflict with ModemManager
Panasonic overrides smartcoding setting
Description Panasonic plugin always default to “framerate” priority setting when connects to the camera. This overrides any other settings (VBR/VBR+SmartCoding/Best? Effort/Advanced? VBR) that the user might want to set through the camera web interface. This became an issue when Coca Cola has a need to set their cameras to VBR with SmartCoding? and was being override to “framerate” instead.The… Continue reading Panasonic overrides smartcoding setting