Login failure – invalid or missing user account file. Description The “useraccounts.xml is either corrupt, or missing from the Server’s installation directory. Notes Stopping the Server service, deleting the corrupted file, then reinstalling the Server will generate a default useraccounts.xml.
Category: StreamPI
Error getting current system time zone ***.
Error getting current system time zone ***. Description Could be related to active directory permissions.
Error updating system time zone – ***.
Error updating system time zone – ***. Description Time zone could not be changed. Notes Could be related to active directory permissions.
System time and date updated.
System time and date updated. Notes This is a normal message.
User manager failed to initialize – %error%.
User manager failed to initialize – %error%. Description User accounts XML was not loaded. May be due to XML corruption or anti-virus interference. Notes Deleting the useraccount.xml and restarting service will not cause it to be created. You will need to reinstall the Server.
Call to GetAdaptersInfo found no available network interfaces ***.
Call to GetAdaptersInfo found no available network interfaces ***. Description No network adapters found. Notes May be unsupported hardware configuration or anti-virus interference.
Failed call to GetAdaptersInfo in buffer 0E897B98. Return Code=998
Failed call to GetAdaptersInfo in buffer 0E897B98. Return Code=998 Description Windows Socket Leak. Notes Windows Socket Leak. See the following Microsoft KB http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2577795
LDAP_Simple_Bind failed: Strong Authentication Required
LDAP_Simple_Bind failed: Strong Authentication Required Description When the GPO “Domain Controller:LDAP Server Signing Requirement” is set to “require signing”, it will reject a simple bind unless using SSL. GPO or local policy object is located at Computer Configuration, Policies, Windows Settings, Security Settings, Local Policies, and then click Security Options.
Client %1:%2 disconnected on receive (WSAECONNABORTED).
Client %1:%2 disconnected on receive (WSAECONNABORTED). Description %1 = Client machine IP address. %BR% %2 = Port number Client used to connect. %BR% This Windows Socket Error indicates that the Server-Client connection was aborted. Notes This indicates that the network connection between the Server and Client was aborted. This can be due to a congested… Continue reading Client %1:%2 disconnected on receive (WSAECONNABORTED).
Client %1:%2 (Port) disconnected on receive (WSAECONNRESET).
Client %1:%2 (Port) disconnected on receive (WSAECONNRESET). Description %1 = Client machine IP address. %BR% %2 = Port number Client used to connect. %BR% This Windows Socket Error indicates that the Server-Client connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Notes This indicates that the network connection between the Server and Client was cut off… Continue reading Client %1:%2 (Port) disconnected on receive (WSAECONNRESET).