NIC Teaming is supported
A supported NIC driver was found and we can issue commands to enable NIC teaming.
This is a normal message.
NIC Teaming is supported
A supported NIC driver was found and we can issue commands to enable NIC teaming.
This is a normal message.
Completing|Initiating|Reattempting key exchange for client %1
%1 = IP address of the Client. %BR% The Server uses a Diffie-Hellman key exchange with 128 bit AES encryption to validate the Client. This occurs every 5 minutes.
This is a normal message.
Failed call to GetAdaptersInfo in buffer ***
Windows only, If the buffer’s address is greater than 0x8000000, the server could have a bug in the Windows internal address conversion routines.
*** – only enterprise systems allow directory integration.
The current license key is Start or Professional, but the current configuration is trying to use LDAP.
This can happen if a Start/Professional license is applied to a previously Enterprise system. Or if the exacqVision Client is attempting to use SSO to connect to a Start/Professional Server.
Failed to set time server registry value ***.
The Windows registry could not be updated with the listed information.
Likely permissions related. Group Policy may be disallowing changes.
Failed to process IPC message from core – ***
Low level error indicating a corrupted installation, or anti-virus interference.
Successfully updated license key.
This is a normal message.
Replacing default serial number with MAC address %1.
%1 – The MAC address of the Server. %BR% If the streampi config is corrupted or not found, a default config is loaded. In this case, the serial number is changed to the server’s MAC address.
LDAP: Lost binding to server.
Communication has dropped to the Active Directory/LDAP server.
Client *** disconnected due to key exchange timeout.
The remote client did not respond to the key exchange.
Server-Client keys are exchanged every 5 minutes.