LDAP: Found keytab with SPN EDVR/%1 so no need to query server.

LDAP: Found keytab with SPN EDVR/%1 so no need to query server. Description %1 – This will likely be the Serial number or the MAC address of the Server.%BR%Directory services found a keytab file containing an SPN so will not query AD for the SPN but use the SPN found in the keytab. Notes Linux… Continue reading LDAP: Found keytab with SPN EDVR/%1 so no need to query server.

Successful logout – %1 from address %2 (socket %3).

Successful logout – %1 from address %2 (socket %3). Description %1 = the user name used to connect to the Server. %BR% %2 = the IP address of the Client. %BR% %3 = the network socket used to connect. The Client was closed, or the system disabled. Notes This is a normal message.

Successful re-auth|re-authorization – %1 from address %2 (socket %3).

Successful re-auth|re-authorization – %1 from address %2 (socket %3). Description %1 = the user name used to connect to the Server. %BR% %2 = the IP address of the Client. %BR% %3 = the network socket used to connect.%BR% The credentials were re-verified. Notes This is a normal message.

Successful login – %1 from address %2 (socket %3).

Successful login – %1 from address %2 (socket %3). Description %1 = the user name used to connect to the Server. %BR% %2 = the IP address of the Client. %BR% %3 = the network socket used to connect. %BR% The credentials were verified. Notes This is a normal message.