FFNI on stream %1 – %2 Description FFNI indicates First Frame Not I-frame. The psfpi plugin cannot start recording on a P/B-frame since these cannot be decoded. The FFNI metrics/logging is accounting for the fact that frames were dropped. Possible symptom is “smearing” of video occasionally “snapping” back to clear image. The stream ID will determine… Continue reading FFNI on stream %1 – %2
Category: PsfPI
Closed {File Page}
Closed {File Page} Description This indicates that a 5-minute segment of video/audio has been recorded and the file closed. Notes This is a normal message.
Opened {File Path}
Opened {File Path} Description This indicates that a record stream has been opened on the storage volume for video/audio. Notes This is a normal message.
ps file write %path_to_file% error %
ps file write %path_to_file% error % Description The file plugin could not successfully write to the disk. Notes May be related to drive permissions or anti-virus.
stat %path_to_file% error %
stat %path_to_file% error % Description The status of a previously written file could not be retrieved. Notes May be related to drive permissions or anti-virus.
remove D:\\YYYY\\MM\\DD\\HH\\XXXX-XXXXXXXX.ps error
remove D:\YYYY\MM\DD\HH\XXXX-XXXXXXXX.ps error Description The Server tried to remove a previously recorded file and could not. Notes This can occur if the file has manually been deleted, or if another software (anti-virus) has currently locked the file. Also, if a hard drive has been remounted as read-only, the file removal will fail.
File ***.ps not found
File ***.ps not found Description Indicates that that the Exacq Server had knew about this file. But when it went to remove this data to make room for new data, it could not find the file in question. Notes This can mean a few things. It can mean that the drive is falling behind, if… Continue reading File ***.ps not found
System %1 could not get record volume
System *** could not get record volume Description %1 = the stream id. %BR% For that particular stream, we could not find a place to record it. Notes We try to have 1 GB of free space free to record to when we open a file. This is the warning we print if we can’t… Continue reading System %1 could not get record volume