Skipping currently updating file /mnt/edvr/%1/%2/%3/%4/%5/%6. Description %1 = Drive Number %BR% %2 = Year %BR% %3 = Month %BR% %4 = Day %BR% %5 = Hour %BR% %6 = File Name Notes Archive will not copy a file that is currently being written.
Category: Plugin
Connecting to SMB share (\\%1\%2\%3)).
Connecting to SMB share (\%1\%2\%3)). Description %1 = IP address of SMB share. %BR% %2 = SMB share name. %BR% %3 = Server name. Notes This is a normal message.
Failed to connect SMB share (\\%1\%2\%3) – mount error ***.
Failed to connect SMB share (\%1\%2\%3) – mount error ***. Description %1 = IP address of SMB share. %BR% %2 = SMB share name. %BR% %3 = Server name. %BR% Archiving target failed to connect. Notes Use the SMB mount error to troubleshoot.
Opening|creating database in location: C:/Program Files/exacqVision/Server/eventpi.db
Opening|creating database in location: C:/Program Files/exacqVision/Server/eventpi.db Description In Linux, this will say: /usr/local/exacq/Server/eventpi.db Notes This is a normal message during startup. If the file gets “created” on an existing installation, this indicates there was a corruption or missing database.
Loaded config and event linkages.
Loaded config and event linkages. Notes This is a normal message during startup.
Loaded configuration.
Loaded configuration. Notes This is a normal message during startup.
Device %1: Config socket connect error (10060)
Device %1: Config socket connect error (10060) Description %1 – IP address of the camera. %BR% Timeout connecting to camera indicated, will attempt delayed reconnect. Notes If you see this and do not think the camera is going down. Try an extended ping test, or accessing the camera via the webpage.
Transform failure on send ***
Transform failure on send *** Description Communication failure while sending config information to a Client. Notes Can be due to a corrupted installation or anti-virus. <br>
Starting Log Manager (%1).
Starting Log Manager (%1). Description %1 = The Server version number. %BR% Indicates the Exacq Server service started. Notes This log should be preceded by Stopping Log Manager. If it is not, this often indicates an ungraceful shutdown (due to a crash, freeze, power loss, etc…).
File ***.ps not found
File ***.ps not found Description Indicates that that the Exacq Server had knew about this file. But when it went to remove this data to make room for new data, it could not find the file in question. Notes This can mean a few things. It can mean that the drive is falling behind, if… Continue reading File ***.ps not found