DiscoveryInprogress State. Unexpected event. Cable Plugged in on MAC %1 Description %1 = The MAC address of the Nic.%BR% This means a camera was plugged in to one of the POE ports. Notes This is normal on the Una and M-Series.
Category: IpCamDetectPI
Idle State. Cable Plugged out on MAC %1
Idle State. Cable Plugged out on MAC %1 Description %1 = MAC Address This indicates that a camera was disconnected from a POE port. Notes This is normally seen on the Una or M-Series.
camera detection is not available.
camera detection is not available. Description This could be caused by detection socket being used. Such as port 1900(UPnP) or 3702(ws-discovery) are being used by another application(use netstat) or mDNSResponder.exe is missing from the path. Notes If Onvif discovery failed in Windows environment, check to see if “Function Discovery Provider Host” and/or “Function Discovery Resource… Continue reading camera detection is not available.
Critical Error setting up command socket. Couldn’t bind address [-]
Critical Error setting up command socket. Couldn’t bind address [-] Description The IPCamDetectPI error is one that occasionally happens due to some handle inheritance on restarting. I think most lately it’s been in conjunction with remote updates. Worst case, the workaround is a reboot
Error receiving *** detection datagram.
Error receiving *** detection datagram. Description The Camera Finder communicated with a device it thought was a camera, but did not receive the proper information datagram back. So it’s likely not a camera. Notes Either it wasn’t a camera, or anti-virus interference.
mdnsd daemon stopped
mdnsd daemon stopped Description After IPCamDetect has finished looking for devices, this service shuts down. Notes This is a normal message unless accompanied by other IPCamDetect errors.
Due to errors, %1 cameras cannot be detected.
Due to errors, %1 cameras cannot be detected. Description %1 = Name of Camera Manufacturer %BR% This could be caused by detection socket being used. Such as port 1900(UPnP) or 3702(ws-discovery) are being used by another application(use netstat) or mDNSResponder.exe is missing from the path. Notes If Onvif discovery failed in Windows environment, check to… Continue reading Due to errors, %1 cameras cannot be detected.