Failed to open plugin. Description A necessary resource for EventPI was not loaded successfully. There may be related logs to troubleshoot why. Notes The Event Linking option will not show up in the Client.
Category: EventPI
Invalid event database – ***
Invalid event database – *** Description The EventPI database may be corrupted. The database is located in the Server folder as “eventpi.db”. Notes The database files are located in the Server folder and start with: eventpi.db .Stop the Server service, delete the files and restart to recreate the database.
Failed to resolve database location.
Failed to resolve database location. Description The EventPI database could not be located. Notes The *.db files should be in the Server folder.
Failed database operation:
Failed database operation: Description The EventPI database may be corrupt. Notes There should be other related logs with additional information about what happened.
Opening|creating database in location: C:/Program Files/exacqVision/Server/eventpi.db
Opening|creating database in location: C:/Program Files/exacqVision/Server/eventpi.db Description In Linux, this will say: /usr/local/exacq/Server/eventpi.db Notes This is a normal message during startup. If the file gets “created” on an existing installation, this indicates there was a corruption or missing database.
Loaded config and event linkages.
Loaded config and event linkages. Notes This is a normal message during startup.