Failed to load plugin load code -1
This is expected behavior from exacqVision systems without integrations from supported analytic appliances.%BR%%BR%
Refer to article: analyticpi plugin fails to load
Failed to load plugin load code -1
This is expected behavior from exacqVision systems without integrations from supported analytic appliances.%BR%%BR%
Refer to article: analyticpi plugin fails to load
Failed to load plugin analyticpi.dll: load code -1
This is expected behavior from exacqVision systems without integrations from supported analytic appliances.%BR%%BR%
Refer to article: analyticpi plugin fails to load
available system memory ok, not throttling video
After a system throttles, video is no longer recorded. Once the RAM usage goes back under 50%, this log indicates that recording has recovered.
available system memory is low, throttling video
In scenarios where the storage volume cannot keep up with the amount of data being recorded, video is buffered in memory in hopes that the storage volume can eventually catch up. This log indicates that 50% of the available RAM has been utilized. Once this log occurs, video is no longer being recorded.
If the system does catch back up and goes under 50% RAM usage, you’ll see ‘available system memory ok, not throttling video’.