*** EWOULDBLOCK – 143 ***

*** EWOULDBLOCK – 143 *** Description The socket is non-blocking, but the called function would block. Notes This error is detected when a requested operation is not ready to be done, but the socket is set to a non-blocking mode. select can be used to wait with timeout for the operation to become ready. <br>

*** ETIMEDOUT – 140 ***

*** ETIMEDOUT – 140 *** Description Timeout. Notes An operation such as connect, recv or send timed out. For TCP, this error could occur during a send operation if the remote host is not responding with acknowledgments. This could also occur if the remote host is not responding to an ARP request. <br>

System %1 could not get record volume

System *** could not get record volume Description %1 = the stream id. %BR% For that particular stream, we could not find a place to record it. Notes We try to have 1 GB of free space free to record to when we open a file. This is the warning we print if we can’t… Continue reading System %1 could not get record volume

PlugIn detected disk /c0/%1 has been removed

PlugIn detected disk /c0/%1 has been removed Description %1 = The port number of the disk. %BR% A user may see this message under following circumstances – %BR% __1. A disk is removed from the system or %BR% __2. If a disk was saved to the config file but when the plugin was restarted, one… Continue reading PlugIn detected disk /c0/%1 has been removed

Device %1: Stream socket timeout (10 secs).

Device %1: Stream socket timeout (10 secs). Description %1 = The IP address of the device. %BR% The plugin did not receive any video frames for the duration of the timeout period. Notes By default exacqVision considers 10 seconds of no video as a timeout resulting is a disconnect/reconnect attempt to the camera.No video frames… Continue reading Device %1: Stream socket timeout (10 secs).